• Reviews around job (4.83 of 5)

    Audio-Technica ATH-ANC7B QuietPoint Active Noise-Cancelling Closed-Back Headphones, Wired

    • Noise Cancellation - These do a reasonably good job of canceling droning sounds like an aircraft
    • These do a great job of muffling repetitive background noise (jet engines) and an unmatched job with spontaneous background noises (voices)
    • They do a good job of cancelling ambient noise (at least, things like white noise)
    • Does a good job blocking outside sounds (i.e., mowing lawn, on a plane).
    • really nice sound, isolates outside noise and does a great job cancelling airplane noise.
    • Does the job well.
    • I was recently on a flight and compared to regular headphones they did a pretty good job canceling out engine noise
    • These headphones completely cover the ears and do a good job at physically creating a sound barrier, which are further accentuated by the noise cancelling features.
    • These will not completely eliminate the sound of a turboprop, but do a great job!
    • The case is really nice though and will do a good job of protecting the headphones when not in use
    • I would buy another set and do a better job of keeping it away from my kids
    • The audio is pretty good - and I rarely used the sound-cancelling button because the audio and foam around the ears did a good job cancelling out the big stuff.
    • They do an absolutely great job
    • My Shure in-ear sound isolating earphones do a much better job of cutting background noise.
    • it does a good enough job.
    • It did a good job of cancelling noise on the plane - jet noise and even muted the crying kid a bit , with music going you don't hear much
    • The Bose costs more, but so far this Audio-Technica does a decent job
    • I fly a lot, and these do a very good job, for the price.
    • really nice sound, isolates outside noise and does a great job cancelling airplane noise.
    • Does a good job of quieting background noise.
    • Great quality headphones that do a good job blocking out noise even without the electronic noise canceling feature
    • They are now indispensable for air and bus travel: they do a fantastic job canceling droning noises
    • Older Model that Does Great Job of Noise Cancelling on PlanesMuch less costly than latest Bose etc.
    • Great job at noise canceling which is the main use- primarily when flying
    • They do great job about it with no music or with low
    • yep that is noisy when you are sitting in the wrong seat, but these headphones do a great job of lessening the sound down to a level that lets you enjoy the flight and listen to your music
    • Bose do a better job with the airplane air and engine noises, but HIGHLIGHT all the conversations around you - I'd rather hear the air moving around the plane
    • Does a great job for what I paid
    • That being said they do a fantastic job of drowning out about 60% of noise on an airplane
    • For their price, they do a great job
    • Does an excellent job of eliminating and reducing low frequency external sound; higher frequency sound is reduced, but not to the same degree.
    • Fair enough: After taking several flights over the past few months, I can attest that these do an OUTSTANDING job of muffling that obnoxious aircraft drone
    • I purchased them for a plane ride and they did a great job canceling the engine and turbulence noise
    • I most watch movies but I also listed to my music (classic rock) and they did an excellent job
    • They did a great job blocking out general airplane noise (crying babies, loud talkers, etc).
    • That being said they do the job well for the Noise Cancellation effect at the price you can purchase them for.
    • The noise cancelling is very evident when you turn them on and it does a good job of cancelling the droning of an airplane.