• Reviews around job (4.66 of 5)

    BEHRINGER Slvr/Blk (HPM1000)

    • For now, the ear cups do a good job of reducing background noise, but these are not noise canceling
    • Sounds on these units are lacking, quality isn't anything impressive but they do a great job for the
    • and they did a good job of keeping the music in and random noise out
    • Good Job!
    • They did a good job with that
    • They certainly arent studio grade in my humble opinion, but as others have said they do a decent enough job to keep a pair or two around for monitoring
    • They're comfortable and do a great job at blocking out outside noise with a nice sound-quality...but don't be surprised if you need to replace them relatively quickly
    • They work great and do a good job of blocking outside noise
    • The ear pads do a nice job of blocking out sound (not noise cancelling).
    • They sound fine and do a good job removing outside noise too, they even make a good amount of bass but not headache causing.
    • If they had cost more than $20, I'd be a little angry, but they do a fine job at this price
    • I listen to a lot of bass heavy electronic/synthwave/retrowave music while I work and these are doing a fantastic job for that stuff
    • and they did a good job of keeping the music in and random noise out
    • These are very comfortable and do a pretty darn good job of isolating what I want to hear and blocking out what I don't want to hear (within reason.
    • They do an awesome job just as advertised
    • My only gripes are that it doesn't really do a good job of isolating sounds to the outside public (especially in higher frequencies) but at the same time it's not terrible - which has its pros and cons depending on your situation and environment
    • These do a good job at blocking outside noise
    • They are a very useful cheap tool for monitoring songs as a DJ and do a good job of being loud enough and blocking out noise to listen to the music you want to cue.