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    Belkin 12-Outlet Pivot-Plug Power Strip Surge Protector with 8-Foot Power Cord, 4320 Joules (BP112230-08)

    • HT receiverSubwooferPS4 ProPS3SNES classic minifive-port Ethernet switchExternal hard drive (for PS4)Apple TVOne empty outlet which is going to be usable by just about anything else I get
    • Still going strong powering everything from pc, modem, router, printer, monitor, speaker, an several external hard drives
    • I've got my iMac, hard drives, lamp, God only knows what else plugged in to this surge protector and it's working like a charm
    • It would also be great for anyone who uses multiple external hard drives as those power adapters are pretty clunky as well.
    • Still going strong powering everything from pc, modem, router, printer, monitor, speaker, an several external hard drives
    • You could not ask for a more perfect power strip for all the different size plugs and adapters that plague our computer, hard drive, video game system plugs.
    • I needed one where not only would all of my charging cords for the computer and my hard drives not get in each other's way, but one where heavy chargers like a MacBook block wouldn't fall out due to hanging upside down
    • HT receiverSubwooferPS4 ProPS3SNES classic minifive-port Ethernet switchExternal hard drive (for PS4)Apple TVOne empty outlet which is going to be usable by just about anything else I get
    • I swept and dusted as I unplugged and replugged everything, even tied up her wires all nice and neat at the end
    • If this one were to break I would immediately purchase another one.