• Reviews around noise (1.44 of 5)

    Biyang Rv-10 3-mode Stereo Reverb Guitar Effects Pedal Stereo-designed TRI Reverb

    • It works for about 10 minutes, then just makes an awful hissing noise and shuts down.
    • It lasted about two days (maybe 3 hours total playing time) before my initial satisfaction and thought that this was a real bang for the buck product was replaced by scratchy noises and sporadic bullet sounds coming through the amp
    • When used with a synth on cleaner/purer sounds, you hear a bit of hiss/noise and a ever so slight bump when it is engaged/disengaged
    • It’s stuck in bypass and when you go to enable it make a very loud clipping noise or quick static to sort of speak.
    • It works for about 10 minutes, then just makes an awful hissing noise and shuts down.
    • I'm finding that not only do brand name pedal sound better, they also reject more noise.