• Reviews around coffee (1.87 of 5)

    Bodum Bistro Electric Blade Grinder, 1 EA, White

    • It grinds coffee, but not enough for a full pot
    • While on a trip with friends, I discovered that freshly ground coffee beans taste much better than pre-ground.
    • This is an inexpensive way to grind your pwn beans. and get excellent tasting coffee.
    • The grinder portion itself does a good job of grinding coffee beans but downside functionality and MESS far outweighs upside for me.
    • Easy tool to grind coffee.
    • I read a million reviews and finally decided that since blade grinders aren't actually great for grinding coffee beans anyway, I would just go with a reasonably priced brand name.
    • But I was prepared to get used to that when I began to notice coffee grounds all over the countertop each morning after spouse ground the coffee
    • Since we've moved to a conical burr grinder, we're seeing much more consistent results and better coffee overall.
    • I like the looks of the machine and it does grind my coffee.
    • Perfect coffee mill.
    • It's also loud, the grinder slides around the counter as you use it, and it did a poor job grinding the coffee.
    • Coffee is so much better when it's fresh ground
    • Not sure why, but after a month of using it something got into the piece that the lid goes into to grind the coffee