• Reviews around spawn (1.26 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Xbox 360

    • Quickscopers are worse then ever, spawns are worse
    • Con- time to kill is fast which eliminates most gun fights and of course disadvantages those with slower connections, having three levels of each gun is just a cheap tactic to hide the fact that they have a limited range of weapons (including kill streaks), poor spawns, panic knife, and the dashboard/home screen/combat record all seem unpolished
    • 3- the spawns are horrible
    • 2- the exos ruin the game bc all it is, is a spawn killing die hard game now
    • Really Good Game, only problem is the spawning is kind of messed up, but it's not that bad
    • The lag, inconsistent damage of weapons, re spawn issues, maps suck, weapon choices are very poor
    • The spawns suck, the guns suck, the maps suck, the voltron-style grenades suck, and the exo suits suck.
    • The Multi-player idea is awesome but the game glitches a
    • My son loves this game as he's an avid xbox player and begged me to buy it
    • Your kid is probably begging you for this as I would too, but once you get into the game, you'd much rather go back to any previous game where the physics made sense