• Reviews around streak (1.88 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Xbox 360

    • Kill streaks are boring and terribleOnly 2
    • That they made the kill-streaks modifiable was a genuine stroke of brilliance, but modifying scat just turns it in to fertilizer
    • If a care package is 500 points to get, you can keep it like that, or, add upgrades to make the streak something like 800 points to get, but you can change the contents of the package, booby trap, etc.) and 2
    • Multiplayer:Pro- well polished, looks good, i have had less lag than normal, guns are well balanced overall, boost jump adds enough change to make it interesting but not over the top, kill streaks are not over powered, lots of game modes, bland but well thought out maps, overall it is interesting and not boring....but not something that is just amazing
    • Multiplayer:Pro- well polished, looks good, i have had less lag than normal, guns are well balanced overall, boost jump adds enough change to make it interesting but not over the top, kill streaks are not over powered, lots of game modes, bland but well thought out maps, overall it is interesting and not boring....but not something that is just amazing
    • Kill streaks are very disappointing and particularly difficult to get considering how useless they are
    • It's filled with glitchy, inconsistent movement, coupled with abysmal weapon BALance, map glitch exploits, terrible kill-streaks (which are nearly impossible to get), insane weapon camo challenges, uninspired map design, horrendous host/server connections
    • Con- time to kill is fast which eliminates most gun fights and of course disadvantages those with slower connections, having three levels of each gun is just a cheap tactic to hide the fact that they have a limited range of weapons (including kill streaks), poor spawns, panic knife, and the dashboard/home screen/combat record all seem unpolished
    • Claymores?The kill-streaks,
    • Then you can only use those slots for weapons, abilities, and kill streaks
    • The Multi-player idea is awesome but the game glitches a
    • My son loves this game as he's an avid xbox player and begged me to buy it
    • Your kid is probably begging you for this as I would too, but once you get into the game, you'd much rather go back to any previous game where the physics made sense
    • a decent k/d.
    • If you suck at cod period or couldn't have a positive k/d on the past ones don't get a new one you suck point blank
    • If you suck at cod period or couldn't have a positive k/d on the past ones don't get a new one you suck point blank