• Reviews around lag issue (2.23 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Ghosts - PlayStation 4

    • - The lag issues are strange since it looks like there's no
    • Lag issues aside, the spawn points are atrocious and 99% of the time you will be getting killed from behind
    • Now, instead of peer to peer created lag, we now have frame rate lag issues, especially on the larger levels.
    • I always worry about buying games on-line and have them scratched up on the way to my house, but after inspecting the disk I saw that disk was intact and worked as it should in my PS4.Now the actual game-
    • I didn't encounter any weird glitching or bugs playing on "veteran" mode (which doesn't give as many environment prompts) and I never experience points in the game where I was totally lost as to what to do next
    • It's like the past Call of Duty games, but it's just as smooth as it can be!
    • , that game is very dark color-wise, which again benefits corner campers as you can't visualize opponents as well as you could in other earlier COD games
    • as described it work a
    • This game just harbors campers, and the game slows down as a
    • It might be weak on the player profile and gun camos/challenges but at least its boots on the ground with no connection interrupted a la BO3
    • It's too damn bad for those who wanted to make it a better game, as well as for future COD games.
    • I was excited for both as I have played both franchises over the years, but Battlefield 4 was so bad that COD:G's offering, though not groundbreaking, is more attractive because it doesn't come with the frustration that playing BF4 causes