• Reviews around air bubble (2.03 of 5)

    Case-Mate - iPhone 7 Case - Waterfall - Cascading Liquid Glitter - for iPhone 7 / 6s / 6 - Rose Gold

    • It is a pretty case but buyer beware, it will get an air bubble in it eventually and the product can leak and ruin things.
    • too many air bubbles, not satisfied at all!
    • The case got an air bubble after the first day and the volume buttons fell off after the 3rd day.
    • After a month, the replacement got an air bubble and a few days later it leaked out all of the oil and glitter everywhere
    • I'm really do not like the air bubble in the case
    • The only problem is a tiny air bubble that may be getting bigger... hopefully we can add more water is need be!
    • Gorgeous as usual and three days later developed an even larger air bubble :(
    • HORRIBLE, capital H. Air bubbles formed almost immediately
    • but now there's an air bubble and that completely ruins the affect of having a back like that
    • I actually think the air bubble makes the glitter inside move around better
    • It as well got an air bubble!
    • the air bubbles in the back came out like the first day its when you press on the back of the case and you hear a cracking noise it makes the air bubbles come out but its hard to avoid when putting the case on and when grabbing it out your purse or
    • I have a small air bubble, but it's never bothered me
    • This deemed it useless, which us OK, because the air bubbles looked horrible anyway