• Reviews around level (4.21 of 5)

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Playstation 3

    • Some levels are tough and bosses may take some time
    • Mind you, I beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma, so I have no issues with games that feature complex combat and a high level of difficulty.
    • I dare say that it's worth the price just to traverse the brilliantly designed levels
    • Even though Castlevania: LOS gets the hack and slash/QTE portion of the game right to a phenomenal level, it also gets punished by negative nay-sayers for being too much like other successful games of the action genre
    • Sure, you can re-play levels after gaining new skills,
    • Given each characters role in the complete story, I thought their level of acting/drama was appropriate.
    • Level design and variety of terrain not as varied or amazingly fantastical as Castlevania, but awesome enough to be totally engrossing (the way you could just check out the forest in Avatar all day).
    • Level design and variety of terrain not as varied or amazingly fantastical as Castlevania, but awesome enough to be totally engrossing (the way you could just check out the forest in Avatar all day).
    • Responsive controls, good level design and puzzles.
    • One of the finest moments in gaming this generation!-Some of the challenges are actually challengingCONS:-Low replay value-Really benefits from the expensive DLC, it should have been extra unlockable levels on-disc.
    • In returning you can find crystals you missed, arks, attempt a difficulty trial (like beat the level in 3 mins etc) or simply replay it at a harder difficulty.
    • You cannot look around with the camera view---it sucks when you get to some beautiful levels and you want to look around but all you can do is look down at your character, lol
    • Have only played a few levels so far and love it
    • There seems to be this cult of GoW fans that think the action game industry started off with GoW; it's true that this may be the first combat intensive western title of its kind, and GoW is certainly more popular in the west, due, mainly, to its more accessible difficulty level, but Japanese game companies were turning out tons of games like this way before GoW ever saw the light of day.
    • The level of detail in the scenery, backgrounds and character models is exquisite
    • The level of detail in the castles and large doors is beautiful.
    • Main Complaint:You will die frequently in the game since you have to find hidden passages or ledges (I frequently died when I fell off ledges exploring the levels) or enemies that are attacking out of the camera's vision
    • basically like a level set up. if it was all open like God Of War it could of been a better game
    • It seems to push the PS3 graphics engine to the limit (Not quite as polished/smooth as less detailed levels in games like God of War).+Music is Original, Epic, and Varied.
    • You will probably die a few times, but its very easy to learn your lesson once, and you don't spend a lot of time replaying a mundane level just to get back to the spot where you left off.4
    • These abilities make replaying one of the games previous levels much easier and fun
    • The levels and music are really great.