• Reviews around fry pan (2.09 of 5)

    Conker: Live & Reloaded - Xbox

    • It also makes it more convienient to use your frying pan
    • Instead of a frying pan you get a bat, and instead of only bleeping out that fabled four letter F word,it bleeps out almost all
    • , you don't just swing a frying pan by
    • two modes in particular that I remember are the weasels in the striped sweaters team deathmatch and the dinosaurs and cavemen where you have to steal the eggs from the nest and throw them in your frying pan
    • Not only that the original weapon used by Conker was a frying pan, but oh no
    • In the WWII-themed levels they play as quasi-Germans and Americans, respectively, and in the futuristic levels, well, both teams are all future-y
    • Just as good as the original and is a great entrance to the next gen
    • Why they can't make a new title that is as good as