• Reviews around center (3.22 of 5)

    Elite Screens Designer Cut Series, 135-inch 16:9, 8K / 4K Ultra HD Ambient Light Rejecting DIY Raw Projector Screen Material, ISF Certified True ALR Capable Projection Screen, ZRM-135HW-CINEGREY5D

    • The corners aren't quite as bright as the center but the effect is subtle
    • Sitting dead center in front of this screen at 135" from 10 feet away only the center appears bright and fades significantly to the left and right of the screen, if I were to buy again I would probably try the cinegrey 3d instead, less of a gain would be a more uniform picture rather than a really bright center and diminished sides.
    • Sitting dead center in front of this screen at 135" from 10 feet away only the center appears bright and fades significantly to the left and right of the screen, if I were to buy again I would probably try the cinegrey 3d instead, less of a gain would be a more uniform picture rather than a really bright center and diminished sides.