• Reviews around positive (1.00 of 5)

    Escort Passport 8500X50 Black Radar Detector, Red Display

    • Sure, there are some false positives, but it is totally dependent on environment.
    • Most of the time it goes off, its a false positive
    • Combine that gain with the new TSR software on the 8500 black, to reduce false positives along the freeway (anywhere where you can get internet real-time traffic flow info these traffic sensors can give you false positives
    • The false positives can become a little annoying, but when it comes down to it, i'd rather have it tell me something's there when it's not than the contrary.
    • The satisfaction I gain from these not-so-rare occurrences is concerning.5/10 for false positives
    • RX-65.Initially I wasn't impressed, it seemed to chime in at the same distance at known false positives
    • False positives can be annoying and the range isn't always solid.
    • Lots of false positives, but I guess that comes with the territory.
    • The first is still running, but starting to have electrical issues, it keeps doing self calibration tests after having false positives
    • Way too many false positives for a $200 radar detector