• Reviews around coffee grind (1.63 of 5)

    Farberware 2-4-Cup Percolator, Stainless Steel, FCP240

    • Perks instantly; makes good, strong, hot coffee using four heaping tablespoonfuls of coffee grind, plus water to the four cup mark.
    • So for "12 cups" electric you would use 24 tablespoons of coffee grinds, and for the 8 cup stove top you would use 8 tablespoons... 3 times the amount of coffee grinds and would make the same amount of coffee
    • However, it's a little more trouble to use verses a drip coffee maker, as you have to rinse out the piece that holds the coffee grinds instead of just dumping the filter with the grinds, which is kind of messy.
    • When I use universal coffee grinds from packaged coffee I may see some grounds in the bottom of my cup
    • The instructions say to use double the amount of coffee grinds per cup as the stove top one says to use (12 cups =
    • Seems they knew there was a problem with the perk cycle and instead of fixing it they compensated by saying to use double the amount of coffee grinds
    • The only issues are, coffee grinds in the coffee pot and it needs a bit more coffee than a drip pot
    • It needs to be replaced when the coffee comes out weak with coffee grinds.
    • For me any brand of coffee grind works well
    • I am having trouble with the coffee ground basket
    • Unfortunately they aren't made as well as the older one I
    • I like the coffee pot a lot, its fast and gives great coffee.
    • I love(d) this coffee percolator.