• Reviews around character (3.89 of 5)

    Final Fantasy III

    • Final Fantasy III (VI on PSX and GBA).The sheer scope of the game is astonishing: a walloping 14 permenant playable characters who all have separate and interesting personalities, abilities, and histories.
    • This game sparked my interest in RPG's and inspired me to seek out other RPG's that would draw me in with their captivating stories and characters
    • The gameplay has everything you could want in an RPG: great character building, cool weapons and armor upgrades, magic spells and creatures to summon to your aid.
    • Today’s RPG’s such as final fantasy 8 have lame dialogues and realistic pursuits such as the well proportioned characters that are just lacking the imagination and creative individualities of its predecessors.
    • They are a blueprint for how to create memorable characters without being needlessly ham-handed about it
    • The actual main character could be a number of them
    • You soon meet several more characters, like Cyan, who might be my favorite character, and is a loyal knight of Doma, and who feels guilty about the death of his wife and child due to the poisoning of the castle's water system
    • Every character has their own skills, like in FF IV and
    • and I became entranced in the wonderful music, intrigueing storyline, cool characters, and really sweet gameplay
    • Colorful, vivid characters and lush, vast landscapes make for some truly epic gameplay.+ Plotline
    • during battle, he can use certain sword techniques, some proving rather powerfulGAU-4/10- a useless character who acts like my 7 year old brother
    • Everything about it, from the old'school graphics to the Perfect music (Opera house, anyone?) and incredible story and characters made this the best game I ever played
    • Awesome music, adventorous map (there's two "worlds" by the way, play and find out...), complex plot, interesting characters (ALL of them having a unique skill) and the ability to have up to four fighting at once, innovative battle systems (there's three points in the game where you split your characters into two or three teams, depending on where you are in the game, and you can switch between them and fight a lot of battles), gameplay longevity without ever getting boring
    • To this day it remains one of the best RPGs I've ever played, with the most endearing characters, subtly terrifying villains, and more than a few laughs in between
    • Celes, Terra, Cyan, Edgar, Sabin, Locke, and even Shadow seem like they could be THE main character
    • I also guarantee that you will love the characters and love their backstories
    • But anyway, getting back to FFIII, what I love about this game is not only the flawless, incredibly massive storyline, the loveable, great characters, the wonderful musical score, the interesting world map design (something I pay attention to in each FF game, just for grins), and the good graphics (I don't care if others don't like the graphics
    • she is pretty cool, and really useful during battle, as she can absorb magicCYAN GARAMONDE-8/10- a persistant devious character
    • Eternal Blue (Memorable characters) 8
    • Terra/Tina is my favorite character of the entire series, let alone any RPG
    • FF VI has it all: a great story, some of the best character development seen in any RPG, music that is still hailed as best video game music ever, moderate challenge, and one of the longest RPG's for its time
    • The characters are memorable.
    • There are other memorable characters that include Setzer (a gambler) and a feral child named Gau, but I'll leave you to discover the others (preferably by playing the game, but I suppose I can't stop you from Wikipedia-ing
    • Locke still happens to be one of my all-time favorite characters in the entire franchise
    • he can perform a "slot" move during battleSTAGO MAGUS-3/10- another worthless character who is extremely weak even in his "lores" which he can use in battleRELM ARROWNY-5/10- an annoying little girl who wants her way with everything
    • The artistry of character/enemy design was a delight
    • My only objection is that not every character is useful.
    • This game is well-liked by children as well as adults, and fans of the game each have their favorite characters, including a renegade faction of fans devoted to the game's villain, a renegade imperial general named Kefka, who dresses like a clown and high-spiritedly spouts nihilist philosophy (think Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil") as an excuse for... well, evil
    • The plot is rich and exciting, full of vivid characters (they had to be back then because the graphics weren't all that great).
    • Its still every bit as good as in 1995
    • Its still every bit as good as in 1995