• Reviews around theme (4.03 of 5)

    Final Fantasy III

    • The first game in the series to have a "modern" theme to it, this title follows the exploits of Terra, an enslaved soldier in the Ghestahlian Empire, as she and two lowly soldiers are sent to investigate the recent discovery of an Esper frozen in ice near the mountain town of Narshe
    • We have a well-thought theme designed for each character, made specifically to convey to you their love, fears, hopes and pain.
    • He has one of the coolest boss themes in any video game, period
    • The theme for all the music is similar in atmosphere and really drags you into the game
    • The battle music, and Terra's theme is great as well
    • Although the theme of the motley crew uniting to work towards a common cause has been abundant in Japanese storytelling since Hiroshima, in everything from Seven Samurai to Evangelion, Final Fantasy VI is unique in its love for its characters