• Reviews around world (1.87 of 5)

    Final Fantasy III

    • His name is Kefka, and he has a fiery personality that soon engulfs the world in a war that was begun by his commander, Emperer Gestahl
    • A thousand years ago, the power of magic was harnessed in a terrible war that threatened the entire world.
    • Once you take control in the post-apocalyptic world, your task then is to gather up your friends, wherever they are, and go beat the snot out of Kefka and restore peace to the world
    • Wacky, obsessed and absolutely nuts, he is often referred to as the "Clown Prince of Darkness", destroying the world and loving every minute of it
    • Even though you try your hardest, Kefka ends up obtaining this power and destroys the world as you know it
    • To top it all off, you play in a world bordering on total destruction and you continue to play in the post-apocalyptic world as well
    • The hauntingly beautiful steampunk world rendered in two-dimensional sprites is juxtaposed well with the mesmerizing soundtrack: faux vocals, symphonic arrangements and techno pop are but a few of the melodies presented that push the SNES hardware to its limits.
    • Wacky, obsessed and absolutely nuts, he is often referred to as the "Clown Prince of Darkness", destroying the world and loving every minute of it
    • Kefka is an evil mage who literally destroys the world and becomes a godlike figure midway through the game.
    • The story involves a madman named Kefka who is essentially trying to destroy the world by harvesting Espers, which are basically beasts from an alternate world who made their way into the human world
    • And when the world gets destroyed...you are only halfway through the game!
    • For the SNES, these graphics are some of the most amazing 2-D graphics I have ever seen
    • It's not that they're truly awful; in 1994, when the game was first released, it probably would have knocked gamers off their seats, but with the advent of new, powerful 3-D capable consoles the visuals just can't cut it