• Reviews around character (3.17 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VII

    • Outside of Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa the other characters' limit breaks are pretty weak but visually fulfiling
    • Main characters rarely die in these sort of games.
    • P.S.Vincent was/is my favorite character :]
    • She could be a better character if she wasn't into Cloud
    • SO as another reviewer put it you lose a major character in the game that you have been leveling up through the whole thing and are forced to start all over with someone else.
    • the characters are all cartoony and super deformed with big heads, and poorly rendered, might i add, and with little puny bodies.
    • I like these characters, especially Red XIII/Nanaki, (he's my favorite team member besides Cloud
    • is like no other, and has the best Final Fantasy characters in it.
    • The way that I first saw the game, character wise, was that each really didn't care about each other
    • see(VIVA LA BAHUMUT ZERO!)-I loved all the characters so much in this
    • graphically the game shows it's age (circa 1997), and the game play isn't exactly the easy moving/user friendly style we're used to today, but those so called draw backs don't hinder the awesome story, the great fantasy atmosphere, and the wonderful characters including Cloud, the quiet and reserved hero of the story and of course Sephiroth, who is in my opinion the greatest bad guy gamming has ever seen (any fan of this game knows what I'm talking about)
    • Also, the graphics of the important characters are good in the sense that they are so personal, each even moves in their own manner
    • An intricate storyline and characters that you will grow to love and finally undrstand at the end
    • This game still maintains the fast-paced ATB system where the characters must react in a timely manner to defeat the enemies or bosses that will cross paths with the characters controlled in the battles
    • It's got some of the best characters and one of the best soundtracks of any video game, and if you're a video game-player and haven't yet played this, then get on it!
    • The controls are bad, one can get stuck in walls and worse, you can sometimes lose your character on the background.
    • It has a great story line, memorable characters, and one of the best fight songs for any RPG game
    • the characters are cool "i like Tifa the
    • His story is so great, that it's hard not to see him as the main character, and not Cloud, the actual main character
    • The graphics really arent that bad though due to excellent backrounds, FMVs, and decent(although blocky) character models
    • this by far is one of the greatest rpgs of all time very good story great characters and nice visuals
    • The forefront of which being a mysterious and engaging leading character, Cloud, whose back story is as twisted and unpredictable as any one ever experienced, causing the overall plot to take extreme twists altering the players entire view of the character
    • The characters are some of the coolest I've seen (except for Dante in Devil May Cry), and you can customize their stat points as well as their magic
    • It boasts an immersive globetrotting tale, striking imagery, iconic characters, stirring soundtrack composed by master Nobuo Uematsu, addictive minigames and sidequests, and groundbreaking graphics that utilize full motion video (FMVs) as both a storytelling tool and as nearly seamless transitions from one scene to the next
    • Best characters (you know you wish u had a gun implanted on your hand) that have and ability to learn any type of spells you so desire, making it so you can have you fighter, healer, black mage, and your Mr. Hurt
    • yet I'm still drawn back to it's great story, characters, and gameplay
    • FF8's creators made a mistake in recycling the main characters from this game; Squall, though undeniably stylish, is thinly veiled Cloud, and the role of Rinoa is much the same as the influence of Aeris in Cloud's existence
    • Even up against FF8, FF9, and FFX, FF7 really holds its own with great characters, my favorite being Yuffie, great story, and a truly fun gameplay system
    • While they are all classics in there own right, there is simply no game out there that combines a truly epic story, an innovative magic system, fun and engaging side quests, an unbelievable soundtrack, and characters that you care about so well.
    • It did have memorable characters.
    • Each character has 4 levels limit breaks except for one of them
    • My favorite character is Sephiroth
    • I mean c'mon, who doesn't like a cool character with a wing for an arm
    • The characters were a big failing.
    • The characters look like legos and the cgs look like
    • For those who haven't played this title, it is going to appear very dated, especially the hideously deformed polygon characters.
    • The inartful environmental overtones aside, the story really shines in its gradual cultivation of the mystery surrounding the background of the four most important characters
    • The characters are great with the magic system dealing with materia which have different spells and effects so in other words your characters are all costomizible
    • Cloud is a complex and confused character, but he's not a total d*ck like Squall
    • The characters are extremely cool and everyone can relate to at least one
    • The characters haunt my mind and are so real, that i almost begin to miss them when i'm not playing
    • I liked the characters the story and the soundtrack
    • Final Fantasy VII is an amazing game with great battle- and cut-scenes, wonderful graphics, completely unique characters, a large world to explore, and an extremely AMAZING (SOOOOOO
    • The animation of the spells (especially the Summons) are awesome, as well as the character's and battle in general
    • Each character is completely indistinguishable from the others.
    • It has incredibly memorable characters; a gripping, epic storyline; one of the greatest villains ever devised in Sephiroth (seriously, this guy is EVIL!); and also can brag about having the most shocking moment in video games
    • In FFVII, any character can be invaluable against a boss as long as they have been equipped with the right stuff
    • Several traditional RPG elements are present - battle monsters, equip magic, find new and better weapons, grind your character up, etc
    • The characters and the environments were so vivid
    • The gameplay is top notch and the story is great with awesome characters.
    • Final Fantasy VII remedies this by givng its character ultra powerful limit breaks.
    • The characters were perfect in having stories and tragedies and well the music was absolutley perfect
    • The story is great, the characters are very memorable, and it has one of the best villains out of most of the games I've played
    • What makes this possibly one of the best final fantasy games out there despite it's age, is the game's stellar mix of odd and endearing characters, I couldn't help liking each character in my party
    • Personally I play rpgs for the virtual soap opera experience, and I think FFVII offers the best storyline and characters
    • I'm a sucker for good character development, and by the GAWDS, this game delivers
    • That doesn't mean that Cloud isn't a heroic character because in the end he decides that none of that matters and continues to lead the group on the quest
    • There are games out there with better stories and better characters
    • But I firmly believe that with all the rich character development and sidelines, the simple super-objective doesn't make it a -bad game-.3
    • When I played this I felt like the characters were my best friends
    • The story all comes together by Cloud's mysterious past, a terrifying villain and some heartfelt characters.
    • Vincent and Yuffie are optional characters to have in your party and can easily be missed to get if you aren't paying attention, assuming you want them in the party in the first place
    • It starts off as a simple good v. evil thing, but quickly explodes into a complex tale featuring some of video games' most memorable characters: Aerith, Sepheroth, Barret, Cid and our troubled hero, Cloud Strife
    • It is grand in scale, has great characters, and a decent story for a video-game
    • And since I apparently missed certain characters, I missed some of the explanation to the story.
    • The badest villians, the coolest characters, manageable battle system.
    • However, FF VI had an entire slew of useless characters to accompany its main ensemble, whereas FF VII is not lacking in any aspect of character development.
    • Regardless of some people who think the characters look too choppy, I think they look just fine
    • Supporting characters, such as Tifa and Aeris, serve the same purpose that Jar-Jar fulfilled in Episode I.No one will ever find out WHY Sephiroth is such a jerk
    • That's how beloved its characters are.
    • The only characters I didn't like were Cait Sith and Yuffie (The Materia stealer.)
    • Gone were the traditional top-down viewpoints, the 1-dimensional characters, and the boring spell effects, and we watched in amazement at hitherto-unparalleled graphics and a completely revolutionary storyline showed us exactly how good a RPG could be
    • It has a very involving story with a lot of plot turns and it has a lot of likable characters that you actually would like to learn more about as the story unfolds.
    • the characters are great, from the mysterious main character Cloud, Barrett the fearless leader of avalanche and Tifa clouds childhood friend who is also a member of avalanche
    • The combination of adult themes, superb deep characters, a riveting storyline, and <at that time> simply unparalleled graphics made it the highest grossing RPG for the 1990s
    • It is a flowing fountain of well writen plot line and the most developed characters in video game history
    • Graphics-I will give the graphics a four and a half because of their sometimes cute characters,but they lack the facial expressions
    • The characters look like dolls
    • Wierd story, cloud has got to be the most annoying and irritating character, what with the whining and confusion on who he is or what he is
    • With impressive graphics, unforgettable characters, and a simply amazing storyline, Final Fantasy VII is definately a game that shouldn't be underestimated
    • although i shouldn't have to explain why this character is lame,
    • " anyhow, i like having non-human characters to play
    • One of the best bad guys EVER.Great characters
    • Aeris is just a beautiful character, a pure-hearted girl raised in the slums but born with a special connection to the planet's life force.
    • the characters are pretty good.
    • The battle format is the tried and true Active form (you have a "Active Time Battle" gauge that fills and when it fills, the character can attack
    • Good characters and plot mixed with a great new battle system with arch-enemies like this World has never before seen make this a game which will stand the test of time.
    • " Dynamic characters, uniquely interactive gameplay and an intricate narrative give this title an allure like magic
    • to give you a taste of what I mean, I'll give a few examples of what the plot has to offer;Deep and insightful playable characters, each with their own back story which is seamlessly involved with the overall story
    • But I am sure that you can tell from the dialog when the character may be excited or very angry
    • The characters are very original and work well with each other's personalities.
    • It has a great story and some of the best characters ever.
    • Cloud Strife is the main character an Ex-Soilder for Shinra
    • The characters are simply horrible
    • This game delivered amazing battle technique, incredible CGI sequences, and rememerable characters to the world when Playstation first came out
    • I have yet to finish Disc 2 and I am already plotting my next go-round as I missed a character early in the game.
    • Its characters, still fresh, were very unique, emotionally unstable, and enjoyable to read about.
    • Though alot of the other ff's had memorable characters
    • The characters look much like blocks of polygons, but the backgrounds are sweeping and beautiful and the FM7's are seamless
    • she was my fave character(other than the almighty Sephiroth, of course).
    • It took me over 80 hours to beat this game and it was definitly worth it!By far my favorite characters are Barret and Sephiroth
    • This game has it all: the best combat system ever conceived by mortal (or immortal :p) minds, an intricate and interesting storyline, and characters that make other games seem shallow
    • The characters look like raisinettes.
    • The main characters were great, as well as the villians
    • the characters are likable, and you can choose who you truly want to level up
    • The Materia system let's you customize characters like never before seen
    • The female characters are excellent, though Aeris is just a bit TOO perky
    • And EVERY other game (while sometimes poorly translated) still had a story in which the characters were consistent and didn't act like 4 year old children at times
    • It was like the translator didn't understand the Japanese character he saw and just added an obscenity to cover his mistakes up.
    • Add to that beautiful graphics, an hugely expansive world, superb musical scores and sound, with a cast of great characters and you have a game that can never be replaced as the single greatest game of all time, simply because it IS the first game that truly deserves the title of great.
    • The characters are amazing
    • Red XIII is a very well done character
    • Although Cloud Strife, the game's main character, is also extremely complex, Sephiroth is the most interesting character because of his actions, speech, and motives
    • i just love the characters!
    • but I thought sephiroth was a great bad guy and to me the best character in the game
    • It has a great story and really cool characters
    • the characters are great, from the mysterious main character Cloud, Barrett the fearless leader of avalanche and Tifa clouds childhood friend who is also a member of avalanche
    • I truly despised the "evil" characters, and I felt a chilling hatred for Sephiroth
    • It is a flowing fountain of well writen plot line and the most developed characters in video game history
    • In many ways, the materia system is awesome because it allows you to use any character to do anything, which means that no one character is so worthless that you just never use them (with the possible exception of Aeris, since her attack is so low).Gameplay (10/10): This is my catch-all category
    • Along the way he meets some memorable characters, makes friends and discovers who he truly is
    • All in all, the great depth of storyline and the empathy that will develop with your favorite character, and the many ways to play makes Final Fantasy VII a benchmark RPG that will continue to bring in RPGamers and endear to longtime gamers for years to come.
    • The characters were great
    • Barret has to be the most stereotypical character I've ever seen.
    • plot twists..great character development
    • The main character, Cloud, comes off as arrogant at first but his growth and maturity throughout the story is simply astounding
    • VII.Without materia, though, your characters are naked and can only attack.
    • That doesn't mean that Cloud isn't a heroic character because in the end he decides that none of that matters and continues to lead the group on the quest
    • The characters are endearing -- funny, noble, human
    • From the story, to the unforgettable characters, to the world and setting and controls of FINAL FANTASY VII, it surpasses everyones wildest and greatest expectations, and leaves those with low expectations, uncomprehendedly, ecstaticaly spellbound, panting and panting for more
    • It has all the things a good RPg should have- a good story, a good battle system, and most importantly for me good characters
    • the BEST game ( I've played a LOAD of games so competition for my favorites can be fierce ) but nonetheless is very good after all how can you not love the characters even if the graphics aren't amazing anymore plus nice storyline I wouldn't recommend giving it to
    • Final Fantasy VII remedies this by givng its character ultra powerful limit breaks.
    • The characters are simply unforgettable
    • The storyline was dumb and uninspired, the characters were laughable (and not in a good way), and the main boss could be killed with one hit.
    • I love this game, I love the characters and the story line
    • I remember back in the old Playstation days where Final Fantasy 7 was all that you wanted play, which is not surprising since this very unique game has a very touching plot, graphics that are so very sharp, characters that you remember--even 7 years back from the game; it's just a solid RPG game that should never be turned down---anybody will love this game.
    • Sure, the graphics aren't as good as FFX and there is no voice acting, but the characters and the stroyline are enough to make you forget about the graphics and just have fun
    • All the characters have their own unique story line and the more you play it the more you discover about their pasts and the more you love this game
    • Overall there is so much more to this game than just a cool magic system and playable characters, there is also a great story and solid side quests in this game that can keep people playing
    • With memorable characters, phenomenal gameplay, and a story that will leave you hanging on to your seats, this game is for everyone whether you love RPGs or if you hate them for it you hate
    • A incredibly deep storyline, vivid and indepth characters, along with the best music for a game we've ever known.
    • The characters are fantastic and very memorable
    • I felt like I just had a character with a backstory rather than giving these characters more of a drive or reason as to how they act
    • Character design is going to be a little strange for some people who are used to today's graphics; during exploration and some of the interaction your character is "super-deformed" and looks like a kid while in battle he is fully grown and adult in stature
    • As you play, you become immersed in this tragic and incredibly wonderful one of a kind plot along with it's unforgettable characters
    • The characters are wonderful, and to me, they override all the others in the Final Fantasys, even 10
    • When you do the materia right, the main character is very powerful.
    • Junction to little, and your character will be to weak to inflict any useful damage on the enemy
    • Silent Hill 2' and 'Fatal Frame' go deep into the psychology of emotion - but in a character and story-driven game like FF 7, the depth of attachment we form with the characters is simply amazing
    • The cast is great, and very likable, They all have a moment in the story where there is some really good character development
    • They range from fancy swordfighting techniques like cross-slash to a guy who turns into popular horror movie characters (a Jason imitation, complete with chainsaw, helped me defeat Safer Sephiroth)
    • The story revolves around a host of memorable characters: the mercenary Cloud, his old girlfriend Tifa, a mysterious lady by the name of Aeris, and the malevolent Sephiroth (arguably the most celebrated villain in video games), the corporation Shira, and over all of this: the apocolyptic Meteor rushing towards the planet bent on destruction
    • I myself found this a bit silly (characters get killed all the time in RPGs; didn't Cloud have a Phoenix Down on hand?), but it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the game
    • The main character seems like a cold cool guy but he is in fact a major loser that can't do anything himself and must always rely on his friends
    • Comparing VII to IX you will be frustrated that if your character goes into trance mode (which is the limit break of VII) just before a different character kills the last remaining enemy, then that is a trance gone wasted
    • I was literally blown away by the excellent/memorable story, characters, and music
    • Aeris , her character is actually better than the previous I mentioned
    • The amazing game play, the amazing characters, and amazing graphics
    • FF7 pits Cloud, the main character against an evil villain hell-bent on sucking the planet's energy away and powering himself to immense proportions.
    • I mean c'mon, who doesn't like a cool character with a wing for an arm
    • There's a traditional leveling system, the more you fight, the faster your characters' levels and skills increase.
    • The characters, Cloud, Tifa and Aeris all form a love triangle (a note to prevent sordid fantasies: both the girls fall in love with Cloud!)
    • The games core originates at it's incredible graphics,Finley tuned music,characters,and it's intruiging story.using 3D animations on pre-rendered backgrounds,makes this game a must
    • It has to be the plot, which by gaming standards is superb, the angst driven main character is overdone in RPG
    • , it's like you cared for them and really wanted them to just survive through the game, especially Red XII(My favorite Character in the game)-3 disc, more then 40 hours of gameplay and tons of stuff to do to extend the time period of the
    • Materia: lets your character cast spellsb)Command Materia: lets you character use commands such as Steal or Enemy Skill (also known as Blue Magic)c)Independent Materia: gives your character improved stats or passive abilitiesd)Summon Materia
    • Whoever says that the characters are bad and the stroyline is bad, needs help
    • This game has average game play, terrible story, horrific graphics even for a late 90's game, and pretty pathetic characters
    • The characters are well liked, the story outstanding, and the overall gameplay the best I've played
    • It is a beautiful game with a collection of wonderful characters
    • The characters are awesome, the story is awesome, the gameplay is awesome, everything is good...for their time, the graphics are really good
    • But what makes the story unique is the shallowness and lacking mental stability of the main character, not to mention the great character development.
    • Aeris role and story in the game is probably the most important supporting characters in the game followed closely by Red XIII
    • VII is still a great follow up for that game and was the game that got me hooked in the series (although I did played the first on on the old nes back in the day) and is on of the best RPGs ever made anyone into rpgs both western and Japanese ones will be happy with this game as long as there willing to sit threw the outdated graphics, they will find a very fun and likable game with great characters (although this is somewhat where final fantasy started going to stereotypical anime people) and a great story.
    • This game is full of action, great character development, and contains a plot full of suspense and thrill
    • Vincent, amazing character who can morph into creatures
    • The main character is Cloud, an ex member of SOLDIER
    • A deep and long epic of a game, especially for 1997, FFVII is filled to the brim with complex characters and awe-inspiring set pieces
    • Also, by ff8 the feel of the game had moved so far from fantasy to sci-fi/modern that the environment had begun to resemble the real world in many respects, a feature mirrored by the more realistic character design
    • Each character from the beginning to the end will just amaze you with their own storyline and moves that they each possess (The only character I did not like though was
    • graphically the game shows it's age (circa 1997), and the game play isn't exactly the easy moving/user friendly style we're used to today, but those so called draw backs don't hinder the awesome story, the great fantasy atmosphere, and the wonderful characters including Cloud, the quiet and reserved hero of the story and of course Sephiroth, who is in my opinion the greatest bad guy gamming has ever seen (any fan of this game knows what I'm talking about)
    • If you really want to nitpick and pay attention to the specifics of each character's stats like that, you'll notice that each character has a different affinity to the various materia commands in the world
    • The characters are great, the story is the most captivating of any game that I have ever played, and it is a much, much better game that Final Fantasy VIII because FF7 had story, good characters and it led the way for RPGs on the PS.
    • The characters and the surroundings are spectacular, they have mouths in the videos, they actually move to the
    • It is by far the most complex mix of AMAZING story line, loveable/hateable characters, mood commanding soundtrack, and ease of gameplay I have played to this date
    • if they would stop personally attacking the characters they might have a greater apreciation for how good this game actually is
    • Especially Cloud who is the best main character in all of the Final Fantasy games
    • All the character's are real cool,and the storyline is the best compared to any,and I mean any FF game
    • The limit break system is great as well though some of the actually characters' final limit breaks are very disappointing.
    • The characters are really cool
    • > black, and is one of the better-developed characters
    • It's main character is inconsistent in his personality, refusing to help a group containing a childhood friend without being paid one minute and turning around a helping a girl he doesn't even know for a date the
    • I just have to say that Cloud is a very well designed character
    • The game plays much like the other titles, any character in the game can use any magic in your inventory
    • every character had such a strong and rich background, even the two secret characters
    • In addition, there are materia that contain magic properties to cast spells, summons, enable skills, and to support your character's statistics.
    • Furthermore, the character development and plot is developed by the fact that there really no identifiable "Villian."
    • In my personal opinion, it's way better than 10 and 13 (because it isn't so linear or AS infested with annoying characters) but not quite as good as my favorite FFs
    • It was not fantasy, it was more science fiction, and I really could have done without the awkward-looking polygon characters.
    • Not only does it have some of the greatest and most charismatic characters ever created in video game history, it has one of the most emotion, heartfelt, and greatest storylines of all-time
    • Then, Cloud, a shallow character with a mysterious past, and his team must pursue Sephiroth in order to save the planet
    • and I love the characters they put in this game,(and for Final Fantasy
    • The visuals and audibles are hampered by the PSone's own internal limitations, the characters are topped by those of FF8, and the mini games make me shake my head more than they entertain me
    • I really love the characters and just about everything else about the game
    • The characters themselves, while definitely cliche, have decent back-stories and fairly strong characterization.
    • Final Fantasy VII's story never has the feeling of a group of invincible heroes marching to an inevitable triumph; instead, the main character is often uncertain about his goals, confused about his background, and even toward the end ambivalent about whether he is more interested in saving the world or seeking revenge.
    • You will meet all kinds of exciting characters and go to new towns that are perfectly designed
    • But, again, the main character is so cold that you'll hate him through quite a bit of the story.
    • doCons-The characters may be memorable, but the game does little to develop them beyond a certain point
    • Cloud is the best character I've ever seen
    • The game has the darkest mood in it and Cloud has become my favorite character for his role here, in the seques/prequels, and his role in Kingdom Hearts.
    • Cloud is the main character of this game
    • The reason they buy them is for a great story, great characters, and great battle systems
    • The characters are very enjoyable as well
    • While those three are the only even remotely respectable characters among the cast, one of them is entirely optional, another doesn't have nearly enough lines to make up for all the dim-witted things spewed from the aforementioned group, and the third is borderline as annoying as the others, save for her small lack of ditsy lines
    • The characters lacked mouths if I recall, but it is the first experience I can recall as really feeling like I was part of the world
    • Vincent is an amazing character as well.
    • To those who said that Sephiroth was not a good evil character, he was insane, Shinra was the evil.
    • That is the backgrounds weren't true 3D, they were rendered on a computer in 3D and then a snapshot of them at a certain angle was taken and slapped behind characters who were complete 3D rendered internally by the original PlayStation (remember, the system that came from Sony before the PS2)
    • and he tries to find him and meets different characters along the way< the coolest characters being cid highwind and vincent valentine>.Bottom line this is the best rpg and if you like rpg's than you will like this game.
    • Story means so much to a good RPG, but no matter how good the story is, it will ultimately fail if the characters in the game are dull and boring.
    • The characters have block hands like legos and the hi-res movies are below gameplay quality in games today
    • But i am giving this game 5 stars becuase it is one ofthe most engrossing storys of any RPG to date, has characters you can really grow attached to, and virtually revolutionized the RPG world
    • When you play this game you will be coming back for more and more because you want to find out what happens to Cloud (the main character) and the rest
    • The characters are Polygon-like graphics which really bother me cuz they not only look bad but move badly too.
    • A main character even dies at the climax of the first disc
    • Tifa is a great character as well but her inability to get Cloud's attention is irritating.
    • The easiest route is not always the most accessible and you'll spend a lot of time bashing poor Cloud, the main character, into walls trying to find the damn door.
    • I've never been so mad at a fictional character in my life
    • FF7 defined what an RPG should be, with an intricate storyline, characters with attitude, an addictive battle system, and everything else that makes an RPG worth playing
    • Cloud is just such an amzig character,and so is Sephiroth.sincerly, kenny
    • The characters, especially Cloud and Tifa, are interesting
    • It has an intricate storyline, believable characters, a challenging battle system, and plenty of mini-games to keep you from becoming bored
    • The main character, Cloud, is pretty famous and pops up in a variety of games (like Kingdom Hearts
    • To those who said that Sephiroth was not a good evil character, he was insane, Shinra was the evil.
    • It has a decent storyline with good characters but it is absolutely terrible compared to the mighty FINAL FANTASY 8
    • Excellently plotted and paced, FF7 features several well-developed characters (event the minor characters get some character development), a very well-developed villain, plenty of optional quests and things to do off the main quest, and a great score
    • The characters are easily lovable in this game.
    • The story line is sweeping, with strong character development throughout.
    • Great graphics, new magic system, great characters, and a hell of a plot
    • ( i can't spell his name) the main villian is perfict you can feel the pain he couses to cloud ( the main character
    • The characters are all annoying in FF7, ESPECIALLY Cloud, ugh, what a pain.
    • It took all the best aspects of rpg's such as the story, love story, character build-up, an easy to use and tactical fighting system and combined 3-D models for its random battles, an interactive background and music that has been remembered for over a decade
    • That means that each character has a meeter, and when it fills up, they can attack, cast magic, summon a monster, or whatever.
    • , have you ever noticed how, in a battle, when a character is defeated it says "
    • While you're playing the game the characters look like sugar cubes sacked upon each other in a human like form
    • Very expandable characters that as a combination are the most memorable characters by far in any final fantasy game
    • The game has the darkest mood in it and Cloud has become my favorite character for his role here, in the seques/prequels, and his role in Kingdom Hearts.
    • Great story, great characters (except Cait Sith), and amazing storytelling.
    • I did not like the characters I had been introduced to, before I quite playing
    • Cloud is the best character I've ever seen
    • She became my favorite character in this game, and then I would say Nanki was my second favorite lol
    • Boasting a colossal story and a few memorable characters.
    • The characters are great, the story is awesome, I like the battle system and materia is easy to train and use
    • This game has imaginative lands, cool characters and an awesome story
    • This game has a brilliant musical score, a good character development and is just the right difficulty
    • the graphics are anime 3d style and the characters are unbelievable
    • Some characters are even evil, yet you feel sympathy for them
    • characters that they designed are extremmely cool whether it be the gentle but strong Aeris or the stubborn yet cool Tifa
    • Featuring a story that begs conversation and thought, characters that leave their mark long after the game ends (Aeris, anybody?) and possibly the greatest Square magic interface ever ("materia"), FFVII revolutionized the RPG market and helped bring the genre, along with the original Playstation, into the mainstream
    • The characters are superb!
    • Cid: yup his character was so awesome that i almost for got to mention him
    • EVERY character suffers from an insane amount of neglect in terms of personality
    • The characters develop well, and the CGs are pretty good as well.
    • The engrossing storyline, the amazing characters, and..the Mogs
    • the graphics hurt your eyes and the characters look like "bubble people".
    • Tifa is one of the best ff heroines ever, cloud is one of the best heros in video games and Sephiroth is, in my humble opinion, THE best villian in any video game, if not THE best character in any video game, period
    • The main character you play is Cloud Strife, an ex-soldier mercenary whom in the beginning of the game works for
    • Square's kept the variety in this cast, they've simply given you the ability to ignore each character's strengths and sculpt an army on your own accord
    • Some characters become overpowered and others don't
    • Other than that, they aren't stunning, and leave you sometimes confused as to what you can walk on and what you can't, but I really don't look at a game for the graphics if it's an RPG
    • Im still alittle confused as to why square never remade this game with updated H.D graphics for any of the current consoles , just keeping everything the same other than the visuals, there is a whole lot of money to be had there, just ask capcom with all there Resident Evil Remakes
    • all RPG's the game can get a bit static and repetitive as you get stuck on your first adventure
    • i bought thta as fast as i could
    • VII stands as outstanding graphically as it did then and weaves a tale that will still amaze.
    • I bought this game for under 20$ back then, and as great as it may have been then
    • Honestly, when I randomly decided to look up old videogames for fun and happened to check out the reviews for FF7, I was confused as to why anybody who played it would give it anything but 5 stars
    • And the story, It starts as cloud blowing up a
    • This game is a great game...though not as great as it's decendant (FF8).This game offers great graphics the best ever next to 8.I have yet to play (ff9).85 %-90% you will play the part of cloud strife,an ex-SOLDIER.Soldier is an elite group of men and Women taught to fight very well
    • And you’ll be confused as to why the game costs so much
    • And after a couple of months, or a couple of years pass, you will start this game over and beat it again, just with the same feelings of satisfactory, entertainment, exhilartion, excitness, fun, proudness, as when you first played and beated it
    • not as good, not nearly as good as ff8
    • Has beautiful CGI cutscenes, that look better than the in-game cutscenes of Final Fantasy X (in some ways)Has fun gameplay (aside from the mini-games), and will keep you hooked for hoursHas great music, and will keeped you hooked into the game for hours, even if the gameplay doesn't, which it shouldHas an even better storyline, and like Final Fantasy X, if for some reason you hate the gameplay and the music (which is a hard thing to do), the story should keep you glued to your TV set with controller in handHas an easy 30+ hour completion time, without doing the side quests, ideal for those that like lots of gameplay timeHas good player customization (with what you call "Materia"), but not nearly as good as Final Fantasy X (although if you thought it was too time consuming in Final Fantasy X, this is much faster)The battle speed can be set as slow or fast as you want, with many settings in betweenCons:This game has a somewhat high encounter rate; if you're just playing this game for the story, you may want to consider using a cheat code for no random battles or something, as you'll be spending huge amounts of time with the random battlesThe graphics outside of the battles are very awful, using low polygon levelsThe graphics inside of the battles aren't too bad, but still leave a lot to be desiredIf you have much in the way of scratches on your discs, namely where the CGI cutscenes happen to be, look forward to the game going into an eternal freeze, and not being able to do anything about it, except try it on your PS2 or PS3If lots of extreme "French" language bother you, you may not want to play this game, as two of your main characters use these words a LOT and other side characters do as wellThis game comes with 3 discs, so if you are too lazy to get off your rear end after so many hours of play, to switch the discs, then this game is not for you.
    • Trust me the graphics may be good but the story is not as strong as FF7
    • Other than that, they aren't stunning, and leave you sometimes confused as to what you can walk on and what you can't, but I really don't look at a game for the graphics if it's an RPG
    • Im still alittle confused as to why square never remade this game with updated H.D graphics for any of the current consoles , just keeping everything the same other than the visuals, there is a whole lot of money to be had there, just ask capcom with all there Resident Evil Remakes
    • all RPG's the game can get a bit static and repetitive as you get stuck on your first adventure
    • i bought thta as fast as i could
    • VII stands as outstanding graphically as it did then and weaves a tale that will still amaze.
    • I bought this game for under 20$ back then, and as great as it may have been then
    • Honestly, when I randomly decided to look up old videogames for fun and happened to check out the reviews for FF7, I was confused as to why anybody who played it would give it anything but 5 stars
    • And the story, It starts as cloud blowing up a
    • This game is a great game...though not as great as it's decendant (FF8).This game offers great graphics the best ever next to 8.I have yet to play (ff9).85 %-90% you will play the part of cloud strife,an ex-SOLDIER.Soldier is an elite group of men and Women taught to fight very well
    • And you’ll be confused as to why the game costs so much
    • And after a couple of months, or a couple of years pass, you will start this game over and beat it again, just with the same feelings of satisfactory, entertainment, exhilartion, excitness, fun, proudness, as when you first played and beated it
    • not as good, not nearly as good as ff8
    • Has beautiful CGI cutscenes, that look better than the in-game cutscenes of Final Fantasy X (in some ways)Has fun gameplay (aside from the mini-games), and will keep you hooked for hoursHas great music, and will keeped you hooked into the game for hours, even if the gameplay doesn't, which it shouldHas an even better storyline, and like Final Fantasy X, if for some reason you hate the gameplay and the music (which is a hard thing to do), the story should keep you glued to your TV set with controller in handHas an easy 30+ hour completion time, without doing the side quests, ideal for those that like lots of gameplay timeHas good player customization (with what you call "Materia"), but not nearly as good as Final Fantasy X (although if you thought it was too time consuming in Final Fantasy X, this is much faster)The battle speed can be set as slow or fast as you want, with many settings in betweenCons:This game has a somewhat high encounter rate; if you're just playing this game for the story, you may want to consider using a cheat code for no random battles or something, as you'll be spending huge amounts of time with the random battlesThe graphics outside of the battles are very awful, using low polygon levelsThe graphics inside of the battles aren't too bad, but still leave a lot to be desiredIf you have much in the way of scratches on your discs, namely where the CGI cutscenes happen to be, look forward to the game going into an eternal freeze, and not being able to do anything about it, except try it on your PS2 or PS3If lots of extreme "French" language bother you, you may not want to play this game, as two of your main characters use these words a LOT and other side characters do as wellThis game comes with 3 discs, so if you are too lazy to get off your rear end after so many hours of play, to switch the discs, then this game is not for you.
    • Trust me the graphics may be good but the story is not as strong as FF7
    • I don't particularly care--he was supposed to be Mr. T, and he turned out well in that regard, but if you intend to read some kind of general statement on the merit of people of a particular shade, you may as well just let this one pass by