• Reviews around guy (1.93 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VII

    • It has incredibly memorable characters; a gripping, epic storyline; one of the greatest villains ever devised in Sephiroth (seriously, this guy is EVIL!); and also can brag about having the most shocking moment in video games
    • What seems like a fairly easy task of blowing up a Mako reactor, suddenly turns into a battle for life and death against a superior enemy known as Sephiroth (for a bad guy this dude seems like a really cool guy.
    • No one will ever find out WHY he wants to be the "bad guy", why he hates Cloud, or why he defies every humane issue
    • but I thought sephiroth was a great bad guy and to me the best character in the game
    • It came out in 1997, and people are STILL speculating who the main bad guy is
    • All the characters are greatly detailed and the villian sephiroth is one of the coolest bad guys ever created.
    • And also remember it spawns the memorable bad guy that we all like to hate or love, Sephiroth
    • The story behind each charcater is awesome, and the relationship between the main characters, including Sephiroth, the bad guy, is just awesome, you will never find anything like it...the story of this game will simply get you and not even final fantasy 10 for playstation 2 with its moving story and love story as well will even reach final fantasy 7 story
    • The main character seems like a cold cool guy but he is in fact a major loser that can't do anything himself and must always rely on his friends
    • It goes from there to trying to stop an evil guy called Sephiroth from destroying the world.
    • Many things to do, like breeding chocobos, fighting bad guys, getting an airship, and saving the world!
    • graphically the game shows it's age (circa 1997), and the game play isn't exactly the easy moving/user friendly style we're used to today, but those so called draw backs don't hinder the awesome story, the great fantasy atmosphere, and the wonderful characters including Cloud, the quiet and reserved hero of the story and of course Sephiroth, who is in my opinion the greatest bad guy gamming has ever seen (any fan of this game knows what I'm talking about)
    • Even the Iconic of Bad Guy
    • You are an ex SOLDIER member and joined a group called AVALANCE to stop Shinra (the bad guys) from using all the energy from the planet
    • The story is the same in most final fantasies, good guy with buddies has to overcome a great evil.
    • On disc one it some old chick, then it's Squall's girlfriend a good guy gone bad
    • Along the way they meet many other characters and the coolest bad guy ever Sephiroth
    • Now thena bad guy like sephirtoh is cool to see in games, but it's all about presence
    • Also the evil guy (Sephirot) want to destroy and again the heroes want to stop him.
    • Now thena bad guy like sephirtoh is cool to see in games, but it's all about presence
    • Along the way they meet many other characters and the coolest bad guy ever Sephiroth
    • A Guy named Cloud who has lost most of his past is out trying to find it
    • cloud is a little guy with mchammer pants and a porcupine on his head, a yellow one in fact.
    • The, somewhat dense, storyline basically revolves around Cloud and company in their quest to save the planet from various forces (mainly the evil company Shinra and, the very VERY evil, bad guy Sephiroth).
    • I hate this game, ESPECIALLY Cloud, ugh, what an annoying guy.
    • He may have been a bad guy, but I just couldn't help but have the utmost respect for him at that moment
    • came a DAY before it was even supposed to ship (extremely rare, so these guys are fantastic), is in such good condition i almost started crying when i opened it up, came in excellent packaging
    • when your surrounded by a bunch of numbskulls, in a convoluted story line, you stop caring about one character that has potential.then there is the main bad guy sepheroth
    • graphically the game shows it's age (circa 1997), and the game play isn't exactly the easy moving/user friendly style we're used to today, but those so called draw backs don't hinder the awesome story, the great fantasy atmosphere, and the wonderful characters including Cloud, the quiet and reserved hero of the story and of course Sephiroth, who is in my opinion the greatest bad guy gamming has ever seen (any fan of this game knows what I'm talking about)
    • Many things to do, like breeding chocobos, fighting bad guys, getting an airship, and saving the world!
    • *who also wants to kill sephiroth..ever heard of putting aside differences to destroy the common enemy guys
    • Jenova, Shinra, Reno and the Turks are also some bad guys you'll have to fight along the way
    • The main character seems like a cold cool guy but he is in fact a major loser that can't do anything himself and must always rely on his friends
    • And also remember it spawns the memorable bad guy that we all like to hate or love, Sephiroth
    • All the characters are greatly detailed and the villian sephiroth is one of the coolest bad guys ever created.
    • Basically looks like your "average" game, where you fight the bad guy, save the girl, and so on
    • but I thought sephiroth was a great bad guy and to me the best character in the game
    • What seems like a fairly easy task of blowing up a Mako reactor, suddenly turns into a battle for life and death against a superior enemy known as Sephiroth (for a bad guy this dude seems like a really cool guy.
    • (oh this is just another game wer good guys allways win)
    • It has an amazing plot, it has like-able charecters, and the bad guy is a real SOB.
    • many people say he is the best bad guy EVER!!!
    • You had nearly every cliche in the book- Token Main Character who has a big sword, sort of angsty and doesn't particularly care about anyone else or feel emotion for some reason, Token Childhood Friend who probably secretly likes you because of course (Cloti over Clerith regardless), Token Love Interest, Token Angry Guy who curses every other sentence and is also black because of course he is all on a token mission to destroy the token evil corporation who has taken over the government
    • I argued Tifa because she can kick the bad guys' asses.
    • The story is great as are the characters, it has one of the best bad guys ever and is alot better than FFX(not that i didnt like FFX
    • I recommend this game to all gamers, old Final Fantasy fans, and newer Final Fantasy fans who have only played 8 or 9.This game has the best video game bad guy ever.
    • Sephiroth is another reason, he is the best bad-guy in a game ever, he is just pure evil.
    • Who in actuality not such a bad guy
    • You had nearly every cliche in the book- Token Main Character who has a big sword, sort of angsty and doesn't particularly care about anyone else or feel emotion for some reason, Token Childhood Friend who probably secretly likes you because of course (Cloti over Clerith regardless), Token Love Interest, Token Angry Guy who curses every other sentence and is also black because of course he is all on a token mission to destroy the token evil corporation who has taken over the government
    • I recommend this game to all gamers, old Final Fantasy fans, and newer Final Fantasy fans who have only played 8 or 9.This game has the best video game bad guy ever.
    • Well from Final Fantasy series the only games that I have play are FFIV, FFVI, FFVII and FFVIII, I liked the materia system wich allow to customize how you use magic, but the story was a little cliche, an evil corporation(Shinra) who are sucking energy from the planet, and the good guys here want to stop them
    • However, it was intriguing, and Sephrioth is a refreshingly evil bad guy.
    • Although now it looks dated, i can assure u that i have yet to play a game that comes close to this, and i own xenogears, PE, PE2 and Final Fantasy 5,7,8,9 and 10