• Reviews around hero (2.21 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VII

    • Our hero, Cloud, must figure out his past and defeat his worst foe to save the world.
    • the hero looks so lame, i wish he had just got blown up or somting.
    • Cloud (guy on the cover) is the best hero of all time he is not a goody goody but has a secretive past and has to find out what has happened in the past
    • Cloud sucks as the hero he is the lamest one next to zidane.
    • Some minor design flaws in this game include the three-character limit in battle, which reduces the player's ability to diversify the roles of the heroes, and leads the player, on a logical level, to wonder why the other heroes are unable to participate
    • Video games' greatest hero and villain all in one place.
    • Cloud is an anti-hero, he didn't ask or want to be the hero, but he eventually accepts his fate and stops being a whining loser
    • To rise up and overcome these opsticals is what makes him a great hero
    • cloud the main hero of this game, is the main reason why i hated it so much.
    • very bad hero, cloud is a real zero.
    • graphically the game shows it's age (circa 1997), and the game play isn't exactly the easy moving/user friendly style we're used to today, but those so called draw backs don't hinder the awesome story, the great fantasy atmosphere, and the wonderful characters including Cloud, the quiet and reserved hero of the story and of course Sephiroth, who is in my opinion the greatest bad guy gamming has ever seen (any fan of this game knows what I'm talking about)
    • He was the most unappealing hero I had ever seen, that is, until Squall Leonhart
    • i dont like this game or cloud, the main "hero"
    • Final Fantasy VII's story never has the feeling of a group of invincible heroes marching to an inevitable triumph; instead, the main character is often uncertain about his goals, confused about his background, and even toward the end ambivalent about whether he is more interested in saving the world or seeking revenge.
    • i give it one star because of the fact that this game has no story and the villian is very stupid as well as the hero.
    • Some of the best heroes, villans, story line, and character dynamic in video game history
    • but i think Cloud suxs as a hero, hes very lame.
    • i give it one star because of the fact that this game has no story and the villian is very stupid as well as the hero.
    • Cloud the hero, is very lame.
    • The characters suck, Cloud is the worst hero in any FF games.
    • And the songs J-E-N-O-V-A and One Winged Angel at the end of the game
    • You are in control of a lame-o named Cloud, an ex member of the famed Soldier