• Reviews around materia (3.30 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VII

    • I mastered all the materia and made copies of Knights of the Round 3 fold.
    • Combo certain materia together and your charachter could attack from two to eight times in one turn
    • While the battle system only allows three people, the Materia system and the Limit Breaks add fun to the game.
    • The materia was a great idea as well.
    • However, once you get the gold chocobo you can get the most powerful summon materia in the game "Knights of the Round
    • Most of the characters, no matter their past do the same basic damage, or close to it, and magics can be used by anyone, so if going to fight a bunch of monsters weak against fire (for example), everyone can be equipped with Fire 3...though admittedly it is fun mixing and matching your materia for different effects, like using the "all" materia linked to a spell, so it hurts everyone or heals everyone with 1 use, otherwise any attack spell or healing spell can only be used on 1 character or monster
    • It's the first game I've ever played with a massive world that is fully explorable, a well organized magic system(materia), and deeply explored characters(heroes and villains.
    • Other than that, revolutionary for psone graphics, fun materia system, and cloud's huge sword is awesome
    • And you can improve materia with other materia, on some occassions
    • Materia is what you insert into your weapon and armors empty Materia slots to gain the Materias ability while it is equipped
    • There were too many things that were too tedious in the game, namely the materia and chocobo development (which they drastically improve with IX).
    • I like the Materia systemThe Bad
    • Combo certain materia together and your charachter could attack from two to eight times in one turn(what a lame way to make the battles tooo easy)
    • By breeding chocobos, you can get very powerful materia magic, such as the awesome Knights of the Round Table, which is a summon so powerful (and long, lol) that you will be amazed.overall, THIS GAME IS AMAZING AND EXTREMELY FUN!!!!!!!!!and low-star people, go ahead and say this review sucks, and go ahead and have your own opinion, but there is no way possible that ffx was better than FINAL FANTASY 7!!!!
    • The Chocobo sidequest will take a long time for any gamer, and collecting and mastering all the materia is going to take a lot of exploring
    • The gameplay is perfect, with tight controls which respond perfectly, an intuitive Materia (Magic) sysetm, and some kick ... bosses. ...
    • Other than that, revolutionary for psone graphics, fun materia system, and cloud's huge sword is awesome
    • Your materia also gains experience in battles, not by using it though, but by equipping it to your armor and items you have equipped on your character
    • In this game, there is a Support Materia called Elemental
    • In addition to great story, it has an innovative, flexible, and easy to learn battle system: materia junctioning
    • The graphics were clarly superior when it was released, and although you will now see better graphics in FF8 and FF10 (when it is released), they will still move you, the same way they moved me (to tears).The battle screen is clear and precise, and you have a huge amount of choice in this game - you can name characters, give them different magic (materia orbs), choose what you will do
    • finally, the magic system (materia)is newly introduced as well, and requires that you level up the materia as to gain more magic attacks, for ex
    • face**Materia... Perfect
    • The materia (magic) system is easy to use
    • The materia magic system is also a great system in that you can only have as many pieces of materia (magic giving items) equipped to your weapon and armor as you have slots on said weapons and armor
    • There are many side quests to create the ultimate characters, like getting the four greatest materia of the world, and ultimate weapons and limit breaks
    • You can raise chocobos to go places otherwise unaccessable, become a first class chocobo jocky, hang out at the Golden Saucer, master every single materia availiable, defeat the two special bosses included in the American version of the game, and so much more
    • Materia are gem-like objects you can equip to your weapon and armor, often giving effects, stat increases, etc.
    • So awesome materia like Ultima, Knights of the Round or Mime can be replicated, giving you almost an endless string of summons
    • In addition, there are materia that contain magic properties to cast spells, summons, enable skills, and to support your character's statistics.
    • Aeris is a character you care for immediately, Red XII's personal story involving his father will bring tears to your eyes, Cid's rekindling his view of Shera changes him as a person, even Yuffie's story with her hometown and father is relatable despite the little punk stealing your materia
    • The game contained several things that wowed gamers everywhere such as beautiful graphic, new battle system(limit break, materia) and actually engaging plot
    • I love the materia set up, even though their are others out there and some are better
    • And the Materia is great
    • I have tried other Final Fantasy games because of VII and not found them as impressive based on their RPG elements of leveling up materia, upgrading weapons, and limit breaks
    • The Materia system allowed the player to equip Materia, (magic) to their weapons.
    • Basically, every character in the game can use spells, but they have to equip a materia onto their armor or weapon, and gain points through battles to learn each spell the materia has to offer.
    • He gives cloud a materia to make him stronger because he knows that he can not defeat him alone, then he flies off
    • VII.Without materia, though, your characters are naked and can only attack.
    • Yuffie, wants to avenge her fallen Wutai, steals your materia , gets kidnapped by a preverted old freak Don Cornero, get chosen by him( pedo), have to beat his monster pet Rapps with no materia ,and have to survive Aero3
    • Materia are like magical stones you put into armor or weapons and usually boost performance
    • It can be simple, or as you earn more materia later in the game, a complex obsession to form the ultimate combination
    • A guy with an abnormaly large sword and 2 Magical Orbs (Materia) trying to stop the Most powerful company in the world (ShinRa)AND the Unhumanly powerful Sephiroth
    • There are other materia there just to boost your stats and others that enhance your spells by giving you the ability to hit all the enemies at once or to absorb health from your enemies.
    • There's your basic magic materia that give you spells to cast, but there is also materia to give you more battle commands such as being able to steal or throw items at an enemy.
    • The game contained several things that wowed gamers everywhere such as beautiful graphic, new battle system(limit break, materia) and actually engaging plot
    • (materia was very innovative).
    • It's pretty much necessary to have magic in a JRPG, but they could've just left it at magic materia and have been on their
    • I really like the Materia
    • Other than that, they aren't stunning, and leave you sometimes confused as to what you can walk on and what you can't, but I really don't look at a game for the graphics if it's an RPG
    • Im still alittle confused as to why square never remade this game with updated H.D graphics for any of the current consoles , just keeping everything the same other than the visuals, there is a whole lot of money to be had there, just ask capcom with all there Resident Evil Remakes
    • all RPG's the game can get a bit static and repetitive as you get stuck on your first adventure
    • i bought thta as fast as i could
    • VII stands as outstanding graphically as it did then and weaves a tale that will still amaze.
    • I bought this game for under 20$ back then, and as great as it may have been then
    • Honestly, when I randomly decided to look up old videogames for fun and happened to check out the reviews for FF7, I was confused as to why anybody who played it would give it anything but 5 stars
    • And the story, It starts as cloud blowing up a
    • This game is a great game...though not as great as it's decendant (FF8).This game offers great graphics the best ever next to 8.I have yet to play (ff9).85 %-90% you will play the part of cloud strife,an ex-SOLDIER.Soldier is an elite group of men and Women taught to fight very well
    • And you’ll be confused as to why the game costs so much
    • And after a couple of months, or a couple of years pass, you will start this game over and beat it again, just with the same feelings of satisfactory, entertainment, exhilartion, excitness, fun, proudness, as when you first played and beated it
    • not as good, not nearly as good as ff8
    • Has beautiful CGI cutscenes, that look better than the in-game cutscenes of Final Fantasy X (in some ways)Has fun gameplay (aside from the mini-games), and will keep you hooked for hoursHas great music, and will keeped you hooked into the game for hours, even if the gameplay doesn't, which it shouldHas an even better storyline, and like Final Fantasy X, if for some reason you hate the gameplay and the music (which is a hard thing to do), the story should keep you glued to your TV set with controller in handHas an easy 30+ hour completion time, without doing the side quests, ideal for those that like lots of gameplay timeHas good player customization (with what you call "Materia"), but not nearly as good as Final Fantasy X (although if you thought it was too time consuming in Final Fantasy X, this is much faster)The battle speed can be set as slow or fast as you want, with many settings in betweenCons:This game has a somewhat high encounter rate; if you're just playing this game for the story, you may want to consider using a cheat code for no random battles or something, as you'll be spending huge amounts of time with the random battlesThe graphics outside of the battles are very awful, using low polygon levelsThe graphics inside of the battles aren't too bad, but still leave a lot to be desiredIf you have much in the way of scratches on your discs, namely where the CGI cutscenes happen to be, look forward to the game going into an eternal freeze, and not being able to do anything about it, except try it on your PS2 or PS3If lots of extreme "French" language bother you, you may not want to play this game, as two of your main characters use these words a LOT and other side characters do as wellThis game comes with 3 discs, so if you are too lazy to get off your rear end after so many hours of play, to switch the discs, then this game is not for you.
    • Trust me the graphics may be good but the story is not as strong as FF7
    • I don't particularly care--he was supposed to be Mr. T, and he turned out well in that regard, but if you intend to read some kind of general statement on the merit of people of a particular shade, you may as well just let this one pass by
    • Other than that, they aren't stunning, and leave you sometimes confused as to what you can walk on and what you can't, but I really don't look at a game for the graphics if it's an RPG
    • Im still alittle confused as to why square never remade this game with updated H.D graphics for any of the current consoles , just keeping everything the same other than the visuals, there is a whole lot of money to be had there, just ask capcom with all there Resident Evil Remakes
    • all RPG's the game can get a bit static and repetitive as you get stuck on your first adventure
    • i bought thta as fast as i could
    • VII stands as outstanding graphically as it did then and weaves a tale that will still amaze.
    • I bought this game for under 20$ back then, and as great as it may have been then
    • Honestly, when I randomly decided to look up old videogames for fun and happened to check out the reviews for FF7, I was confused as to why anybody who played it would give it anything but 5 stars
    • And the story, It starts as cloud blowing up a
    • This game is a great game...though not as great as it's decendant (FF8).This game offers great graphics the best ever next to 8.I have yet to play (ff9).85 %-90% you will play the part of cloud strife,an ex-SOLDIER.Soldier is an elite group of men and Women taught to fight very well
    • And you’ll be confused as to why the game costs so much
    • And after a couple of months, or a couple of years pass, you will start this game over and beat it again, just with the same feelings of satisfactory, entertainment, exhilartion, excitness, fun, proudness, as when you first played and beated it
    • not as good, not nearly as good as ff8
    • Has beautiful CGI cutscenes, that look better than the in-game cutscenes of Final Fantasy X (in some ways)Has fun gameplay (aside from the mini-games), and will keep you hooked for hoursHas great music, and will keeped you hooked into the game for hours, even if the gameplay doesn't, which it shouldHas an even better storyline, and like Final Fantasy X, if for some reason you hate the gameplay and the music (which is a hard thing to do), the story should keep you glued to your TV set with controller in handHas an easy 30+ hour completion time, without doing the side quests, ideal for those that like lots of gameplay timeHas good player customization (with what you call "Materia"), but not nearly as good as Final Fantasy X (although if you thought it was too time consuming in Final Fantasy X, this is much faster)The battle speed can be set as slow or fast as you want, with many settings in betweenCons:This game has a somewhat high encounter rate; if you're just playing this game for the story, you may want to consider using a cheat code for no random battles or something, as you'll be spending huge amounts of time with the random battlesThe graphics outside of the battles are very awful, using low polygon levelsThe graphics inside of the battles aren't too bad, but still leave a lot to be desiredIf you have much in the way of scratches on your discs, namely where the CGI cutscenes happen to be, look forward to the game going into an eternal freeze, and not being able to do anything about it, except try it on your PS2 or PS3If lots of extreme "French" language bother you, you may not want to play this game, as two of your main characters use these words a LOT and other side characters do as wellThis game comes with 3 discs, so if you are too lazy to get off your rear end after so many hours of play, to switch the discs, then this game is not for you.
    • Trust me the graphics may be good but the story is not as strong as FF7