• Reviews around soundtrack (3.82 of 5)

    Final Fantasy VII

    • This is definitely a buy worthy soundtrack
    • It has an incredible story, detailed characters, a soundtrack that'll BLOW you away
    • There's also a great battle system, a multitude of vechiles at your disposal, an excellent soundtrack, and plenty of other goodies
    • Considering when the game was made, its graphics are incredible and the soundtrack just makes it perfect
    • But this soundtrack also included a wide variety of music like rock(Boss Battle Theme)New age sounding(City of the Ancients), funk like(Wall Market) to ominous(Those Chosen By The Planet).Graphics: Back in 1997, these graphics were jawdropping
    • It's got some of the best characters and one of the best soundtracks of any video game, and if you're a video game-player and haven't yet played this, then get on it!
    • The soundtrack is perhaps the best ever in a video game
    • While they are all classics in there own right, there is simply no game out there that combines a truly epic story, an innovative magic system, fun and engaging side quests, an unbelievable soundtrack, and characters that you care about so well.
    • Lastly, I cannot write a review of this game without talking about the absolutely stellar soundtrack.
    • It also has amazing cut scenes, terrific graphics, and an excellent soundtrack.
    • I really love the soundtrack of the game also
    • While they are all classics in there own right, there is simply no game out there that combines a truly epic story, an innovative magic system, fun and engaging side quests, an unbelievable soundtrack, and characters that you care about so well.
    • Apart from that though, the graphics are brilliant, the music is one of the best soundtracks ever and the gameplay and lifespan are both excellent
    • The relationships, the parallelism to real-life, over all makes it a top-ten game, also has one of the greatest operatic soundtracks ever
    • It also has one of the best soundtracks
    • The soundtrack is great, of course the graphics are now dated, but it doesn't detract from the gameplay at all, a true masterpiece, if you don't own it already, you couldn't do any better than to buy it now!
    • Even the soundtrack is movie-worthy!
    • The control is easy, the visuals are stunning, and the soundtrack is one of the best, if not the best, video game soundtracks ever created.
    • I think it has one of the best soundtracks in gaming history
    • I just finished writing a review of the excellent soundtrack to this game and realised I hadn't even written a review for the game, so here goes.
    • Mix all of that in with a great soundtrack, and you get one heck of an awesome game
    • better!The soundtrack by Uematsu exceeds all expectaions, from one winged angel to J-E-N-O-V-A, to the birth of a god, it's just amazing
    • It combines an excellent storyline, a superb soundtrack that you will most likely remember for ages, fun game play, excellent graphics (granted, it was the first PSOne FF game and PSOne graphics back in the day ruled!), and much more!
    • This is a really fun game, with a great storyline, and a great music soundtrack, with stunning CGI cutscenes.
    • I really enjoyed the soundtrack this time more then last time because I guess I am
    • Nonetheless, FF7 has a great soundtrack that really fits the game and characters nicely
    • This game also has it all, a great cast of characters, an addicting, deep and rewarding battle system, a fantastic soundtrack by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu, hidden characters and quests galore, one of, if not the most moving cinematics in gaming history, if you are willing over three hundred hours of gameplay if you want to build all of your characters' stats to the max 255, and an epic plot to save the world from an evil planet destroying corporation and the best villain of all time, Sephiroth
    • The pre-rendered backgrounds are more artistic than most entire games are, the battles are cool with cool monsters and amazing spell effects, and the Cinematics, ..., well, just WOW!To continue this interacive movie/addition to life itself is yet another great soundtrack composed by gamemusic god Nobuo Uematsu (bigger than any other composer name).
    • The story is still compelling (once again, I almost broke down in tears at a certain infamous scene), the gameplay still engaging, and the soundtrack is brilliant
    • Honestly, the soundtrack is so good that we are using one of the songs in our wedding ceremony
    • I'm not going to go on and on about the features, or the marvelous graphics,soundtrack,and gameplay
    • I love the soundtrack, and love the overall interactive design
    • The soundtrack is the best
    • Final Fantasy VII doesn't have the best soundtrack within the series, but it has some of the most memorable music numbers of the entire series
    • (both have 4 cds) and the soundtrack is Superb especially the last battle
    • This game also has it all, a great cast of characters, an addicting, deep and rewarding battle system, a fantastic soundtrack by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu, hidden characters and quests galore, one of, if not the most moving cinematics in gaming history, if you are willing over three hundred hours of gameplay if you want to build all of your characters' stats to the max 255, and an epic plot to save the world from an evil planet destroying corporation and the best villain of all time, Sephiroth
    • Yet the new, "original" soundtrack partly ruined it
    • It is one of my favorite RPG`s of all time
    • And the songs J-E-N-O-V-A and One Winged Angel at the end of the game
    • You are in control of a lame-o named Cloud, an ex member of the famed Soldier
    • Although now it looks dated, i can assure u that i have yet to play a game that comes close to this, and i own xenogears, PE, PE2 and Final Fantasy 5,7,8,9 and 10
    • The stunning 3-D graphics really add to the traditional 2-D RPG format
    • Cloud is a complex and confused character, but he's not a total d*ck like Squall
    • I don't particularly care--he was supposed to be Mr. T, and he turned out well in that regard, but if you intend to read some kind of general statement on the merit of people of a particular shade, you may as well just let this one pass by
    • Other than that, they aren't stunning, and leave you sometimes confused as to what you can walk on and what you can't, but I really don't look at a game for the graphics if it's an RPG
    • Im still alittle confused as to why square never remade this game with updated H.D graphics for any of the current consoles , just keeping everything the same other than the visuals, there is a whole lot of money to be had there, just ask capcom with all there Resident Evil Remakes
    • all RPG's the game can get a bit static and repetitive as you get stuck on your first adventure
    • i bought thta as fast as i could
    • VII stands as outstanding graphically as it did then and weaves a tale that will still amaze.
    • I bought this game for under 20$ back then, and as great as it may have been then
    • Honestly, when I randomly decided to look up old videogames for fun and happened to check out the reviews for FF7, I was confused as to why anybody who played it would give it anything but 5 stars
    • And the story, It starts as cloud blowing up a
    • This game is a great game...though not as great as it's decendant (FF8).This game offers great graphics the best ever next to 8.I have yet to play (ff9).85 %-90% you will play the part of cloud strife,an ex-SOLDIER.Soldier is an elite group of men and Women taught to fight very well
    • And you’ll be confused as to why the game costs so much
    • And after a couple of months, or a couple of years pass, you will start this game over and beat it again, just with the same feelings of satisfactory, entertainment, exhilartion, excitness, fun, proudness, as when you first played and beated it
    • not as good, not nearly as good as ff8
    • Has beautiful CGI cutscenes, that look better than the in-game cutscenes of Final Fantasy X (in some ways)Has fun gameplay (aside from the mini-games), and will keep you hooked for hoursHas great music, and will keeped you hooked into the game for hours, even if the gameplay doesn't, which it shouldHas an even better storyline, and like Final Fantasy X, if for some reason you hate the gameplay and the music (which is a hard thing to do), the story should keep you glued to your TV set with controller in handHas an easy 30+ hour completion time, without doing the side quests, ideal for those that like lots of gameplay timeHas good player customization (with what you call "Materia"), but not nearly as good as Final Fantasy X (although if you thought it was too time consuming in Final Fantasy X, this is much faster)The battle speed can be set as slow or fast as you want, with many settings in betweenCons:This game has a somewhat high encounter rate; if you're just playing this game for the story, you may want to consider using a cheat code for no random battles or something, as you'll be spending huge amounts of time with the random battlesThe graphics outside of the battles are very awful, using low polygon levelsThe graphics inside of the battles aren't too bad, but still leave a lot to be desiredIf you have much in the way of scratches on your discs, namely where the CGI cutscenes happen to be, look forward to the game going into an eternal freeze, and not being able to do anything about it, except try it on your PS2 or PS3If lots of extreme "French" language bother you, you may not want to play this game, as two of your main characters use these words a LOT and other side characters do as wellThis game comes with 3 discs, so if you are too lazy to get off your rear end after so many hours of play, to switch the discs, then this game is not for you.
    • Trust me the graphics may be good but the story is not as strong as FF7