• Reviews around ibis (3.44 of 5)

    Fujifilm X-H1 Mirrorless Digital Camera w/Vertical Power Booster Grip Kit

    • As I said the Fuji OIS lenses did a better job than the Sony IBIS but there are not any Fuji prime lenses, other than the macro 80, that have OIS and one of their best lens - the XF 16-55 2.8 - does not have it either both of which were a huge pain for me as I could only use them at 1/125 or above.
    • So it is nice to have IBIS
    • Lovely ergonomics, excellent Fuji colors, magical IBIS
    • so their IBIS would be best.)
    • I'm primarily a stills guy, and I love the combination of the incredible Fuji color science and the new IBIS.
    • It’s an attractively designed display, but it remains to be seen how resistant it is to scratching (I’ll be covering mine with the newly released Expert Shield Screen Protector for FujiFilm X-H1 (w/top LCD)
    • It’s an attractively designed display, but it remains to be seen how resistant it is to scratching (I’ll be covering mine with the newly released Expert Shield Screen Protector for FujiFilm X-H1 (w/top LCD)