• Reviews around drive (1.83 of 5)

    Gamecube Console Platinum

    • The Gamecube also has no hard drive, and there are no plans to make one
    • Overall, although it does not play dvd's cd's or have a hard drive, it is still a very good system.
    • There were even computer mod chips readily available to enhance your playing experience and the hard drive was upgradeable
    • The system requires that you purchase memory cards, and a hard drive is not available
    • The system requires that you purchase memory cards, and a hard drive is not available
    • but the processor isn't used for gaming it is used for running the hard drive
    • What it means is that it can't play DVD's, doesn't have a hard drive, and cannot basically run your life for you!
    • I also wonder that since the XBox has a hard drive, it might slow the system down
    • The XBOX has a hard drive, and the PS2 has a much larger card.
    • Coupled with the fact that it has a built-in hard drive and ethernet card, its clear that Microsoft is really thinking ahead here to the future of mutiplayer gaming
    • The system requires that you purchase memory cards, and a hard drive is not available
    • The system requires that you purchase memory cards, and a hard drive is not available
    • There were even computer mod chips readily available to enhance your playing experience and the hard drive was upgradeable
    • The crew at Nintendo refused to cut corners or add anything that really shouldn't be there (can anyone say a 60GB hard drive or a built-in DVD Player?), and simply chose remain faithful to the gaming community - excellent move, Nintendo
    • XBoxPeople are always talking about how powerful it is with its hard drive and online
    • We experienced problems with the X-box as well, first with a bad power cord and then with hard drive problems
    • However, what turns me off about the Xbox is its incredibly striking resemblance to a PC (e.g. CPU, graphics card, sound card, hard drive setup) and the sheer redundancy of it all - especially as the platform is nearly devoid any real console-specific killer apps
    • It also doesn't feature a hard drive, like it's next-gen enemy XBOX
    • r on the other systemsnot much 3rd party support for gamescontroller is the worst of the bunch.(if you include the new xbox controller s and the new ps2 controller
    • its great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i bought my game cubes last dicember for 200$$ each i should have waited a bit longer but the only thing that the cube is missing is a freacken dvd drive other than that theres nothing wrong with it out of all 3 of the supreme consolesxbox-controllers 2 bigps2-just for 2
    • Amazing i got it and it worked perfect
    • well i had 2 gamecubes with no cords i sold a game to get 50
    • If you already have an Xbox, get this anyways, its great!I give it a 9/10
    • So the next time someone says the Gamecube is kiddy just because it has E-rated games like Super Mario Sunshine, tell them that the Xbox is stupid because it has E-rated games like Grabbed by the Ghoulies and Blinx the Time Sweeper.
    • Also who says that E or T rated games are bad
    • (E)Rogue Leader (T)F-Zero