• Reviews around calory (1.36 of 5)

    Gold's Gym Dance Workout - Nintendo Wii

    • With Just Dance, I usually burn between 7 to 9 calories per minute.
    • This game keeps me on top of how many calories I have lost and everything
    • Not saying it can't be fun to just dance around and that burns calories on its own, but I don't feel the game teaches the moves thoroughly enough to master any kind of basic skill to follow along
    • There are 4 different gauges to tell you how accurate and fast you are, how long you took, how many calories you burned, etc.
    • There is no way I burned 55 calories doing karate chopping sticks.
    • That's really what it's all about...moving your body and losing calories.
    • Out, this offers a new way to have fun while burning off the calories
    • I will say I burn over 800 calories in a little over an hr!
    • If you aren't as good at coordinating dance moves and just want to burn calories while having a good time, be prepared for some frustration before it becomes fun.
    • in a half hour I've burned 400 plus calories which would make me about and hour in a gym
    • Does not seem to burn enough calories for the workout
    • Great workout to burn calories while having fun.
    • It is amazing how I can burn about 200 calories in just a half an hour
    • This is a must-have if your looking for something that will get your heart pumping and burning calories
    • A good instructor or game will make me burn the calories with ease as I master the steps following excellent and fluid instruction and cueing, one who believes they can throw steps at me
    • But the more you do the workout the better you get and the more calories you burn
    • A good instructor or game will make me burn the calories with ease as I master the steps following excellent and fluid instruction and cueing, one who believes they can throw steps at me
    • Excellent wii game to burn serious calories while doing the Dance Workout.
    • There are times that the sensor does not seem to be working on the mini games but I am still burning calories
    • When you are finished with a workout you get to see how many calories you burned and what type of food serving you would have just burned.
    • It also shows you how many calories you lose per song
    • Does not seem to burn enough calories for the workout
    • I also like this workout because you can track your weight, mark the days you worked out on a calendar, and each workout has a timer so you can see how many minutes are left or if you press A, you can switch to how many calories you burned
    • But it really is an awesome game if you are like me: I wanna lose weight, I hate working out, and dancing seems like a great way to burn some calories without realizing it.
    • I made up one about 30 minutes long and I burn over 200 calories every time
    • I use take advantage of the ability to use 2 wii-motes, and I generally burn 400 calories per workout now, though when I started I had shorter workouts that burned less calories.
    • Its more for begginers than someone that actually wants to burns some serious calories
    • Designed to help shape your body and burn calories.
    • If you want to get motivated to burn calories, get this game!
    • However, if you're a novice and are wanting to burn calories this will probably work fine for you
    • Nice exercises but does not offer enough calories to burn like Exerbeat which offers more calories to burn.
    • I noticed that if you play the game with two players you burn more calories
    • Nice exercises but does not offer enough calories to burn like Exerbeat which offers more calories to burn.
    • Yaay, I finished, Yaay I burned 20 calories, loading, loading, loading
    • The only complaint is the calories are not very accurate.
    • Dance Workout is the first fitness "game" that has been able to hold my interest and actually gives you a high intensity workout that burns calories
    • Gold's Gym Dance Workout is more challenging and burns more calories!
    • In a 45 minutes session, I burn about 580 calories, I don't know how accurate the calorie counter is, I used a pedometer that tracks "dance" movement and they were about 100 calories different from one another
    • This game will have you burning calories for sure
    • and I look forward to seeing how many calories I can burn
    • Good music, great moves, and you really burn calories.
    • This game is so awesome I am going to do it every day by burning 200 calories a day plus eating
    • but I sure burned calories and felt great.
    • It also tells you how many calories you burn during the workout.
    • Daily I try to burn off 126 calories which the program lends itself easily to.
    • and you get completely lost as to what you are supposed to be doing
    • I have deginerative disc disease which the dr.s have advised that I quit my power walking of 3 1/2 miles each day, as well as my water skiing and gardening.
    • This is particularly true during the cardio boxing routines, where they tell you how to punch as they are throwing it
    • but it doesn't work as it is
    • Others have said that this game is not for getting into shape, but it has a tier system of exercises which enable you to choose those with more difficulty as you improve.
    • difficulty following the moves, especially in cardio boxing*Only 20 songs*The way this game determines calorie burn has to do with how many correct moves it detects from your wii mote, which means that if you are only using one remote (such as in 2 player mode), it counts about half the calories burned as if you're using both remotes