• Reviews around motion (1.29 of 5)

    Gold's Gym Dance Workout - Nintendo Wii

    • The running and matador games do not pick up the Wii controller motion well, though (anybody know any tricks to getting the controller to know when you are running fast vs slow?
    • Very fast paced on the dancing-takes a while to catch on to all the steps- would greatly benefit from having a slow motion breakdown for each dance rather than just jumping in full speed!
    • The good news is, for each dance they offer a "practice" mode which breaks down the dance into different sections, lets you review each section, with three different camera angles to view the instruction, and lets you view the whole thing in slow motion
    • Maybe I'm just not all that coordinated, but I'm sure there are lots of others like me, and there needs to be a slow-motion learning option to this dance game.
    • It is hard to keep up with at first, but what I like about it is you can put it on slow motion through the practice mode to learn the moves
    • It will repeat, in VERY slow motion, until you get the hang of the feet and arm movements
    • The steps need a slow motion tutorial (much slower than they offer)and it is very hard to keep up with
    • You can even watch in slow motion so you can learn step by step
    • The bad - motion tracking is jack, even with using two remotes