• Reviews around guy (2.08 of 5)

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    • For example I had to chase down and kill this guy and while I was chasing him he causes a truck to spill pipes all over the road, then later on causing a taxi to spin out of control heading straight towards me.
    • Again another little detail that makes you really want to thank the guys who made this game
    • He has to back up and move forward for a 10 point turn before he can get to chasing the bad guy, who is still flying at well over 200 mph in a rusty beat-up Pinto...until finally the guy reaches 10 of his buddies and God ceases to empower his Pinto with the fires of heaven
    • Roman is a man whore but a nice guy
    • The main character is a criminal, but he's legitimately a likable guy
    • So this guy tells me that all he can do is refund my money or send me the products again and they would be here Tuesday after Christmas.
    • I am a big fan of the games that give you that real feeling, so when I punch some guy in the face and we start duking it out, and some clown across the street calls the cops from his cellphone, cause you are pummeling this innocent man
    • my favorite "Choose which guy that has had minimal affect on the story and your relation to the character to shoot and kill"Oh and screw up one part of one of these
    • 3)Nikko must recover drugs/guns/etc from bad guy.
    • the game's very similar to the other games ( pick up this person, shoot up the bad guys, etc.
    • 1995 called and they want their AI back.- On vigilante missions, even if you are taking on half a dozen gangsters, if the cops cruise by, they will stop and shoot at you and ignore the bad guys
    • then I did with the bad guys
    • As another reviewer already stated, one of the most annoying type of mission are missions in which you have to kill 23,478 guys by yourself.
    • Just a lot of unethical, violent things where his position is the bad guy
    • Though Vigilante and its 12 levels of capturing "bad" guys is gone
    • Great job guys
    • I have to hear the word TEEETIEEES and have them described as "like MEHLOHNS".I like boobies as much as the next guy...but come on
    • Roman is a man whore but a nice guy
    • On missions, as soon as you are near bad guys, they will open fire on you even if you are unarmed
    • He has to back up and move forward for a 10 point turn before he can get to chasing the bad guy, who is still flying at well over 200 mph in a rusty beat-up Pinto...until finally the guy reaches 10 of his buddies and God ceases to empower his Pinto with the fires of heaven
    • In Liberty City, the bad guys know if you are just a pedestrian or a hitman coming to kill
    • In Liberty City, you have to kill bad guys twice
    • i say "me" but of course it's really niko bellic, an eastern european thug on a quest that only gradually becomes clear as the plot unfolds; and it's a third flaw of the game that this quest, as important as it is to niko, does not seem very important in his unstructured and varied choices of dating, driving and drilling bad guys with high calibre
    • you can also call potential employers for jobs.theres the standard "go kill this guy" and "go get this" but they have been very entertaining anyway so far
    • You spend all your time driving across town from mission to mission, rather than shooting bad guys and driving fast.
    • I could even go into the absurdity of the violence, not that it offends me, but that it is just preposterous to even make games where a guy can get away with mayhem on such a massive scale and not be killed or tossed in jail forever.
    • Thank u