• Reviews around thing (3.41 of 5)

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    • The good thing in reviews is that thanks to release of this game on all platforms now PS fans are not trashing XBOX fans and vice versa and the whole focus is on the game it self instead of console wars
    • Now that GTAV is out, you get more awesome things to do
    • Which can be a good or bad thing depending on your position
    • one thing that hooked me all the different styles of cars throughout the game.personally I love driving games.the graphics are excellent.
    • It's no small amount of irony that the very thing these companies do to prevent piracy are what lead people to piracy in the end.
    • One really cool thing-in mutliplayer, find a helicopter, (right trigger throttle, left stick collective) bumpers tail rotor), take off, and fly around, and MARVEL at the city; it is AMAZING
    • I got mostly bad things to say about this
    • Get GTA V instead, that thing is amazing.
    • just to clear things up for the clowns complaining the graphics.when you walk out the door theres so much to be done you might want to keep a checklist for the days
    • I know GTA allows you to do thing you can't do in real life, like steal cars and kill, but you people do realize you can play darts in real
    • Getting involved in doing the wrong things is all to easy in this game.
    • Every thing about it is great
    • GraphicsGTA IV does some very impressive things in the graphics department.
    • Speaking of online, one of the coolest things about GTAIV is the level of developer support it will get
    • So the last few Grand Theft Auto games were great fun and rather shiny and colorful, and while people whine and complain about wanting things grittier and more realistic, you end up with this
    • Rockstar has added a lot of little things like extra animations to make it more fluid and more lifelike (simple things like walking up and down stairs, lighting effects with street lights to cell phone integration so you can choose when to start missions, etc.)This is a really fun game and I will probably spend way too much time on my 360 playing it, but if you are expecting something completely different or advanced from GTA III, then you might, and I stress might, be disappointed
    • Additionally, there are other frustrating things about this game.
    • I can't say enough good things about this game
    • it's original packaging, the only bad thing was the top of the package
    • The biggest thing we have heard through online forums is that the game has been freezing on about 50% of the people
    • Getting people drunk is one of my favorite things to do, just to see how they all act
    • You attack one person, and you're getting swarmed by 3 or more people, if things were like that in the real
    • Sometimes things work out ok, sometimes you get killed
    • Fighting on a flying plane, then para shooting out was the coolest thing ever, not to mention stealing a harrier jet from a battleship
    • Biggest negative thing is the combat mechanics
    • The things you can do in this game is more limited than the previous title.
    • Of course, the hours certainly add up quickly, but I suppose that is not a bad thing
    • This just bites, what horrible thing happened to Rockstar, whom created a nearly perfect game with San Andreas, feel they needed to take a chainsaw to the game and cut out all of its charm
    • Also, there's some things that I liked to be unbelievable, like the weapon switch time, not so realistic in the past.
    • You'll remember every character in the 60+ hour game and that's a really hard thing to achieve
    • The gameFirst let me tell you some cool things in the game
    • For probably the first couple hours of GTA IV, I was concerned maybe Rockstar had really slowed things down too much, but as the game went on (and the hours and hours piled
    • The good thing is you can turn it off and go back to your civilized way of living
    • The only decent thing is the story as it gives you choices which will effect the ending
    • For probably the first couple hours of GTA IV, I was concerned maybe Rockstar had really slowed things down too much, but as the game went on (and the hours and hours piled
    • But there is one good thing out of this GTA game, MULTIPLAYER
    • And if you don't like those things, do your best to hide your ignorance and don't go spouting off about things you don't know anything about.
    • There would be great things to be said about how cool and likeable the main character, Nico, is and the wonderful voice-acting that goes along with him and other characters
    • But one thing I have always loved about the GTA series is the humor they add to the game
    • This just bites, what horrible thing happened to Rockstar, whom created a nearly perfect game with San Andreas, feel they needed to take a chainsaw to the game and cut out all of its charm
    • The only thing difficult about the game was getting used to the different buttons you have to push at the same time.
    • After singing its praises I have to mention at least one bad thing.
    • only complaint is that the music selection, which has always been one of the coolest things about GTA games, is the worst ever
    • GTA 4 boasted so many great things, but I'm afraid I couldn't play more than 7 hours of the story without losing interest completely
    • The best thing of this game is the languages and the situations are extremely spot on.
    • Good God, the driving is probably the most *frustrating* thing EVER
    • While trying to make a realistic experience they removed the most important thing a game can have: fun
    • However, if you wanted the next-gen evolution of a sandbox, do whatever the hell you feel like it game with mind-blowing innovations and new things to learn about and do, you will most likely be disappointed
    • With that in mind though, all of the other great things make up for it, still surpassing every other game out there
    • Best thing about this game is two for the price of one single player and multiplayer for the first real time excellent and the bonus add ons like Lost or Damned and the upcoming add on Gay one that's games should do make you want to keep playing them not finish and forget.
    • it's original packaging, the only bad thing was the top of the package
    • My favorite thing about the game is the biting satire
    • There is simply too much great things to say about this game
    • And while I can't say enough good things about what I love in this game, there will never be a review that will let you see how it truly is to play it
    • The sad thing is that Rockstar managed to set the bar so high with GTA III that it would be difficult to top it
    • THe best thing about this game is that you dont ever need to do the story mode, you can just do your own thing
    • As well as small things some people may not even notice like when driving around with Little Jacob and seeing the smoke from his joint pouring out a car window if its broken out
    • And it ain't no GTA 3, Vice City, or San Andreas, and thats a good thing
    • Just a lot of unethical, violent things where his position is the bad guy
    • Getting involved in doing the wrong things is all to easy in this game.
    • For some, this might be a good thing.
    • My favorite thing so far is multiplayer
    • I'm going to say the most important things missing (the ones that I liked so much about
    • just to clear things up for the clowns complaining the graphics.when you walk out the door theres so much to be done you might want to keep a checklist for the days
    • I'd recommend this game for people who love collecting things and completing missions
    • but I won't get into that since I usually just prefer shooting or blowing things up
    • And just adding to that point, while the main thing in Grand Theft Auto most people do is wreck havoc (which of course I do) the main purpose of the game is missions, it's not just sandbox
    • Another bad thing about GTA IV is that it's too good.
    • One of my favorite things to do in this game is just get into a standoff at some random place with the police for a while than escape in an intense police chase
    • Let's move on to the giant list of great things from the other titles in the series that were ommited like: Miniguns, flame throwers, garages, tanks, airplanes, the jet pack, Casino, The CD Player in your car, etc., etc., etc
    • If the door is locked, he breaks the window, "hot wires" it, and takes off; this can take what feels like half a minute sometimes, not a good thing if a cop sees
    • I think this is a good thing
    • There are some good things to say about GTA IV,but unfortunatly there are plenty of bad things to say about it too
    • New things like being able to stick to walls during a gunfight, just end up getting in the way
    • The one thing I would have liked is if there was local multiplayer capability like in San Andreas.
    • but I think the thing that what makes GTA awesome is the fun factor, like the Wii has in this generation
    • That is the wonderful thing about the GTA series, the ability to sidetrack from the main missions, but still feel as if you are in the story
    • - Game locked up on me before the laundry mission (good thing I saved) - cars handle weird (like the steering is stripped)Overall
    • also.at certain points in the game,niko can choose between 2 game altering choices thereby effecting the plot.the cars dont drive as smoothly as on gta san andreas but arent too hard to get the hang of.in car accidents,dont be suprised to see niko being hurled through the windshield.another great thing about this game is, while it keeps you on your toes,it isnt one of those games that require luck to win like san andreas.i beat this game in 3 weeks,but i did little else than play
    • For every really cool thing about GTA IV, there's something that really stands out as crappy.
    • The good thing about all of this was, I didn't give Rockstar any money for this game, as I barrowed it from a friend, and I'm glad I wasn't in line waiting for this game or else I would have been severely disappointed
    • The best thing about GTA IV is the graphics and I can't see anything else about this game that deserves a perfect rating but it has received several perfect reviews as evidenced by metacritic
    • The question is, how does it stack up to the journalistic praise?First of all, I have to note that there have been both a lot of "revisionist" positive reviews that tell us that less variety and content (as compared to GTA: San Andreas) is somehow a good thing, and a lot of excessively negative reviews that gloss over the positive changes this entry has made.
    • There are some good things to say about GTA IV,but unfortunatly there are plenty of bad things to say about it too
    • the only thing that was on the disc was some small dust
    • If the door is locked, he breaks the window, "hot wires" it, and takes off; this can take what feels like half a minute sometimes, not a good thing if a cop sees
    • These two things to me broke the gameplay, and made it feel like a task, instead of fun, number two primarily
    • The game is great, the graphics are stunning, sights remnicent of NY are so realistic, that when I gained access to Algonquin I
    • well I