• Reviews around parent (1.00 of 5)

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ( DVD-ROM ) - PC

    • A fun and engrossing game for adults, but let this be known: if you let your under-18 child play this game, you are an awful parent and deserve to have social services come and whisk your precious babies away
    • Or maybe you parents are just bad parents period
    • However, at the risk of sounding like a pro-censorship anti-video game activist (which i am neither), I have to strongly discourage parents from allowing their wee little childrens from buying this game
    • Hence the soft censorship of the lazy parents who terrorize businesses, the government and the rest of us to babysit their children for them
    • If parents had bought it for their kids, then realized the stuff that was in the game, the parents should be blaming themselves, not the producer
    • Expect a lot of the word "bitch", and the N word that most black people don't like