• Reviews around air (4.45 of 5)

    Hirt's Superba Robusta Snake Plant - Sanseveria - Impossible to kill! - 4" Pot

    • Now I get to watch him grow and provide our home with better air quality.
    • Not a pretty plant, in my opinion, but hopefully it helps clean the air as the plant is supposed to do!
    • All the house plants purchased are designed to clean the air in the house
    • It cleans the air but does not get picky about light, water, or attention.
    • Hope it likes it's new home while it assist with better air quality in my home
    • Wonderful plant to grow inside and clean the air at the same time
    • My favorite air cleaning plant actually recommended by NASA!
    • I have a slight feeling that the air is cleaner in the room, but it could just be my mind playing with me (or the fact that I quite regularly keep the room ventilated in the daytime after I bought these
    • Recommend by NASA for producing oxygen and cleaning air
    • I wanted a nice plant that cleans the air and doesn't take up a lot of room.
    • kinda disappointed as i received my plant with yellow leaves which means over watered