• Reviews around hole (1.80 of 5)

    Hohner Marine Band Harmonica, Key of E

    • Tip for beginners from a beginner: Some people may complain that a few holes don't work, like the 2 or 7
    • In terms of ease of play, the plastic comb of the Special 20 slides easily, the holes are easy for a beginner to single out, and the sound is extremely nice particularly for folksy music such as Bob
    • I hear that sometimes some holes can sound a little strange on a new harmonica until you "break it
    • " (10-hole major diatonic) though it will wail some interesting blues.
    • Covering up all the holes and blowing on #2, I get sound.
    • I can hear the air blowing through or around, but the holes seem clogged whether I'm blowing easy or hard and make a terrible sounding note (my family cringes and can tell I'm blowing that note when I try).
    • I hear that sometimes some holes can sound a little strange on a new harmonica until you "break it