• Reviews around enemy (1.61 of 5)

    Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - PlayStation Vita

    • Weapons have varying attack ranges, so positioning is a large part of strategy as you'll often find yourself always trying to put yourself in position to attack all the enemies at once
    • After building it up, the battles then turned into spamming the Break attacks (to remove the enemy Guard Gauge), and then pummeling with Power attacks (which are the strongest moves and shine when the enemy has gotten their Guard broken)
    • Personally, I prefer the story of rebirth3, it has more anime feel, more funny and happy events, even enemies are funny
    • And this isn't even taking into account the Risky/Tough/Dangerous enemies, which are considerably tougher
    • You can also tweak some of the mechanics of the game, to make enemies stronger or weaker on the fly, change what you get from dungeon treasures and other things
    • For example, you can change the enemies and items that appear in dungeons, weaken or strengthen the enemies, or reveal all hidden treasures
    • unless you're farming the Tough enemies it'll take a long time to reach the level cap naturally
    • And this isn't even taking into account the Risky/Tough/Dangerous enemies, which are considerably tougher
    • While the battles are turn based, you are able to move around and position yourself to attack enemies.