• Reviews around arm (1.00 of 5)

    Jolly Jumper Exerciser with Door Clamp, Black

    • We use this to give our arms a break - not as a babysitter.
    • He spends multiple sessions in it a day and gives my arms a break!
    • It gives me a safe place for her to build strength and burn energy while giving my arms a break!
    • She loves bouncing in my arms and i figured this could give my arms a break every now and then
    • Win-win."The way you put the baby in this is essentially like putting on a diaper—if putting on a diaper involved me sweating profusely for 7 minutes, swearing in my head, and making sure the baby's arms don't accidentally get mangled by the horrific design
    • My baby loves it and it gives us a much needed break as she will jump for an hour at a time