• Reviews around survivor (2.33 of 5)

    Left 4 Dead 2 - PC

    • Versus on this game is intense, although i agree the horde is not up to par and the survivors have an advantage
    • I miss the old survivors but the new ones definitely have personalities of their own as well
    • Victory points are all determined by how far the survivors have gotten, how much damage was inflicted on them, whether defibs were used or not (see below) and several other variables.
    • Sometimes you'll check the public games and there's one available and it seems to almost always be the "No Mercy" finale as a third of the cans are near the edges of the high rise and chargers want to do their death charges and other SI (if they do it right) can take a survivor off the edge or hanging from the edge
    • Spitter does big damage to standing survivors, Charger separates survivors and practically knocks over every survivor, and the new jockey is just really fun to play as.
    • As special infected you've still got your original line-up with the hunter who incapacitates survivors when they pounce them, the smoker who drags survivors from afar, the boomer who calls forth a horde of regular zombies, and the tank who just bashes everything into mush
    • the graphics r great, gameplay is entertaining, multi-player is fun, and the character dialog is hilarious
    • the graphics r great, gameplay is entertaining, multi-player is fun, and the character dialog is hilarious