• Reviews around task (1.87 of 5)

    Lego: Marvel Super Heroes, XBOX 360

    • The trend for Lego games to pile on side quests and fill the game with menial tasks is a little frustrating
    • (And with some of the higher level ones requiring 200+ gold bricks you will find yourself doing repetitive tasks quite a lot if you want every one of the over 100 playable characters.)As far as the character selection/variety goes, you run the gamut from the Avengers to The Fantastic Four, to the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy, to the obscure ones such as Captain Britain, Taskmaster etc
    • It is extremely frustrating for kids who love this game, but suddenly have to restart the game over and over or cannot complete a task because it freezes.
    • Good problem solving tasks throughout and then just good ole fun bashing bad guys.
    • If I had given him this video game before he started playing with the wild walls set, he never would have gotten to that set (or at least not until he'd gone home for the weekend, leaving the video game back at our home).It was heartwarming watching him sit and play and enjoy this game as much as he did.
    • My two boys (5,7) really enjoyed this game as they do all the Lego brand video games