• Reviews around opponent (1.00 of 5)

    Mortal Kombat - PlayStation Vita

    • It should be noted that microphone support is fully supported, so unless your opponent has his disabled, you can both chat by default without any kind of headset, since the Vita has a built-in microphone
    • it goes from story right into the fight and vice versa...so far ive only done the story mode and practice mode which is good if your up against a difficult opponent OR TWO since they are constantly pitting two enemies against your one guy or girl
    • Those are also drastically upped and improved for modern game tech, as a character would take his or her sweet time to split an opponent's body in half, or burn it alive, or whatever satisfyingly sick twisted thing they could come up with!Seriously, though
    • If at least 2 chambers are filled, you can hold down block to interrupt the opponent's chain of attacks
    • It is exactly what you would expect a Mortal Kombat game to be and provides all the joy of killing your opponent while implementing new characters and some pretty cool "FATALITIES"