• Reviews around time (1.76 of 5)

    NieR - Playstation 3

    • I died one time the entire time I played, and it wasn't even dying in battle
    • Before the merge with Enix, Squaresoft managed to churn out games that were so impressive and dazzling, that a player can dedicate six hours of free time on any given day, and it only felt like six minutes...this is the exact opposite
    • But, the game goes out of its way to point out that no one's making you do this stuff - the 'sidekick' character will repeatedly point out your habit of performing absurd tasks, one person will degrade you for your habit (before giving you a painfully time consuming task), and your character will even reflect what a terrible waste of time one particular quest was
    • Nier" starts off well, with an intriguing prelude in (relatively) modern times leading into the story of a man trying to save his daughter from a case of the Deadly Scribbles in the year 3,160ish.
    • I lost count on how many times I was asked to gather this item/s or kill this creature
    • One of my favorite games of all time worth every penny ( yeah the side missions kind of suck except a
    • After listening to the Temple of the Ruins songs 800 times (literally) I looked up the trailer for the game
    • To prevent the game from being too short, you have to do the same dungeons multiple times, just with stronger enemies.
    • Also, the character model borrows from Nier Replicant, which had a younger protagonist, making the much older, in the U.S. version, Nier move a little oddly times.
    • , there's fishing but only good to sell for money or side quests, platforming that was only used in 2 area, and material gathering for weapons upgrade which will Completely waste your time because spawning rate is extremely low
    • The storyline is overly simplistic and E-rated, taking place in perhaps a total of five (small) locations through which you continually backtrack