• Reviews around unit (2.54 of 5)

    Nikon D7200 DX-format DSLR Body (Black)

    • The 18-140 lens is ideal, the unit is tough and weather resistant (I'm rough on gear), the focusing/metering system is excellent - though many of the Sony camera's I own on paper are supposedly superior - in the field this is just not the case
    • and together I had a good working unit
    • I can not say that this camera is terrible because I know I just receive a bad unit due to lower quality control, and I am still a Nikon Fan, but this one that I is unusable and I am returning it.
    • The Nikon app is obviously capable of changing camera settings but it doesn't probably because Nikon is hoping somebody, somewhere will buy an overpriced proprietary Nikon cable and TWO big, bulky, awkward WR-1 units for over $400 a piece so they can change their shutter speed or aperture settings wirelessly.
    • While the optics of charging $200 for software may appear bad for customer relations, certainly it's no less mean-spirited than making people buy, carry, care for, and store all of those horrible, overpriced Nikon accessory units to shoot wirelessly when they could just use what's already in their back pockets
    • it’s a wonderful unit!
    • I love my N-7200!
    • I am disappointed that Adobe is so slow in adding the D7200 to their camera RAW, but t the is not a Nikon problem, and their software covers it