• Reviews around people (1.85 of 5)

    Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition

    • Is it enough for me to dissuade people from buying this
    • It is not worth the inflated prices that are found on here from the horrible people trying to profit from the shortage.
    • People who didn't get one are trying to tank the reviews of the product because
    • I'm one of those lucky people who got this on launch day, and I don't regret it a bit.
    • I thought people were exaggerating, but no
    • This product works people
    • While playing some of these great games, many people will start to suffer small headaches, but because the gaming is so fun and many get into the game
    • I get that people are annoyed with Amazon, but that has nothing to do with the product review
    • I was disappointed that people were taking advantage by charging so much money
    • People still smoke