• Reviews around otterbox (4.26 of 5)

    OtterBox DEFENDER SERIES Case for iPhone Xs Max - Retail Packaging - BLACK

    • The OtterBox Defender Series is a must for active people or those who tend to drop their phones.
    • This OtterBox was not delivered the same day as promised.
    • Otterbox never disappoints, I’ve used their cases on all of my iPhones and they have yet again gained my trust with this new xs max case
    • The problem is not OtterBox but Amazon's shipping.
    • I always trust OtterBox to protect my phones
    • n’t trust anything but otterbox to keep my phone secure and safe from drops.
    • n’t trust anything but otterbox to keep my phone secure and safe from drops.
    • This version does not have the screen-protector, but that is likely because the operation of this iPhone is completely dependent on swiping (like on the X there is no home-button, but you get used to it quickly).