• Reviews around allergy (1.69 of 5)

    Pet MD - Dog Ear Cleaner Wipes - Otic Cleanser for Dogs to Stop Ear Itching, and Infections with Aloe and Eucalyptus - 100 Count

    • really bad allergies and his ears take away the brunt of the reactions
    • Made a minor allergy irritation much worse
    • I have an American Bully who has severe allergies that cause a bunch of gunk to build up in her ears
    • I have a plott hound, so he is an 80-lb dog with large ears and he has bad allergies, so his ears always get pretty gunky.
    • It doesnt seem to aggravate my boys allergies nor mine.
    • My Beagle/Terrier has had the worst allergies this year and will scratch his ears til they bleed.
    • Dogs usually like having their ears cleaned as long as you’re not rough so it’s never a battle.
    • Works as it should Our dogs are prone to ear infections and this solution solved the issues