• Reviews around violin (3.53 of 5)

    Pirastro Evah Pirazzi 4/4 Violin String Set - Medium Gauge - Steel Ball-End E

    • Their high tension also chokes some more responsive violins, and they're just too loud without the tone colours.
    • I was introduced to these strings by a man who owns a fine violin shop about 5 years ago.
    • I need a new violin, but in the meantime putting these strings on greatly improved the sound quality of my current one.
    • My violin on the other hand had some issues with them.
    • It's the violins that have something that needs to be brought out, that these shine on
    • Great violin sound now.
    • When you first put on Evah Pirazzi's you feel like you just upgraded your violin.
    • Great violin strings
    • When I put a Evah Pirazzi E on a quieter speaking violin, the tonal clarity definitely articulated notes in a way that other strings had not.
    • I find that they do not sound so great on cheap violins, so for those you're better off in the end with a standard string like a dominant
    • They provide a warmth and depth that is simply unmatched, but only on good violins
    • I use them on both a fine violin and viola for constant professional use and have not exerienced any early deterioration
    • Very good quality violin string.
    • Their high tension also chokes some more responsive violins, and they're just too loud without the tone colours.
    • Some people like them for dull unresponsive violins, bringing out a brassier sound.