• Reviews around control (4.59 of 5)

    Plantronics BackBeat FIT Wireless Bluetooth Headphones - Waterproof Earbuds with On-Ear Controls for Running and Workout, Black Core

    • Secure fit, good sound, easy controls
    • What I do like: easy controls
    • The charging method is a plug which I found awkward and the controls are not very user friendly.
    • , fit is good, battery life is good after plenty of cycles, they let in just enough exterior sound so as not to be dangerous, and controls are easy even with the multifunction buttons.
    • They earpieces are snug in my ears the controls are very easy to use
    • Good stuffSounds is great, comfort in and on the ear is great, controls are great, and the slight splash resistance is nice
    • They do exactly what you want, decent sound, easy controls, very comfortable to run with for 3-5 hours at a time and let in just enough external noise to keep you safe and aware of your surroundings.
    • The controls for the headphones are solid, you can do anything you need to do without having to grab your phone, which is great
    • Easy controls.
    • Easy control of my music, stays secure and comfortable even during jogging, good battery life, good sound... but the biggest advantage of these over all the other similar products, is that the wire connecting the two sides is rigid enough to stay off your neck
    • The controls are great and very easy to use on a run
    • The controls are great because you can do a lot without needing the phone and the instructions are very clear for these buttons.
    • Easy controls and helpful companion app for device switching.
    • Great fit, good sound but controls are not the best
    • clumsy controls.