• Reviews around drive (1.20 of 5)

    Playstation 2 Console - Black

    • No excess drive noise or instability have been detected while operating this unit in the horizontal position
    • Also some other people could be dissapionted with the absence of a hard drive in the original package, but I like the idea of the memory card, portable and i'd hate the fact of leaving my hard drive at my friend's house
    • Why didn't Sony fix this problem?I think the Old PS2 is a great system because of the cool design, good graphics, the ability to use a Hard Drive, great selection of games, a disc tray, and, most important
    • XBOXPros: Slightly better graphics, built in hard drive
    • You can store all your ps2 game saves from your memory card to the hard drive.
    • hard drive_____Cons_____Not the most powerful system
    • So far the redesigned PS2 doesn't support the HDD Hard Drive necessary to play FFXI and Sony hasn't expressed any plans for that
    • They even have an option coming out in March of 2004 to install a hard drive in the PS2
    • Here's why I wanted all three: the XBox has a hard drive, hence all of my sports games are XBox games - b/c those games (by far) take up the most memory when you're saving your progress
    • it plays dvds right of the bat, an Xbox just because it has a hard drive, or a
    • XBOX came out later, microsofts worked on it, XBOX has a 10gb hard drive; PS2 has worse graphics of all 3 main systems.
    • either im talking LED lights and 160 gig hard drives (although its very
    • Received mine with a defective disk drive
    • My old ps2 die , i need a working one, I didn't want the new slim model, i like the old fat model, because it can have a internal hard drive, which i store my back up game, using homebrew.
    • XI(They wan't $99 for game and hard drive, and pay money to be online every month, they're NUTS!!!!)Xbox(Top 3 games:Halo/Grand Theft Auto Double Pack
    • I don't know if more than 5 games even use the hard drive.
    • Lazy optical drive, but I bought it to install harddrive, so I don't care.
    • Also, you could have a hard drive for the system for games like Final Fantasy 11.
    • either im talking LED lights and 160 gig hard drives (although its very
    • XBOX came out later, microsofts worked on it, XBOX has a 10gb hard drive; PS2 has worse graphics of all 3 main systems.
    • As for disc balance, the drive seems perfect
    • ** about x-box's hard-drive anyway??)Besides, you'll NEED playstation 2 if you ever want to play the NEW GRAND THEFT AUTO game coming out in a couple weeks
    • Another friend said none of the games will save to the hard drive
    • X-Box comes with a hard drive installed, making file management easier
    • But also CD tracks can be uploaded to the Xbox hard drive just like a computer, which allows you to play your favorite songs while you're playing
    • I am pretty sure the new ps2s don't even have space for the hard drive.
    • Pros - Slightly better graphics than PS2, online multiplayer function, built in hard drive, 4 controller portsCons - You must buy a stupid thing to play DVD's, online multiplayer function is NOT free, big confusing controllers, online multiplayer function isn't even that good, designed by Microsoft (I await the day where someone will be blue screened while playing HALO)PS2:Pros - Smaller, CAN be used as a portable system, online multiplayer function, plays DVD's straigt out of the box, AWESOME non-confusing controllers, ability to play PSX gamesCons - Hard drive costs extra, multiplayer network adapter costs extra, only 2 controller portsPS2 = Much better
    • 10gb hard drive (makes memory cards unneeded)PS2:1) Can play DVD's out of the box2
    • It screws up the hard-drive and the game in it.3
    • Sony will be launching a 40 gigabyte hard drive for the PS2 in March 2004, compare that to the Xbox's puny little 8 GB hard drive
    • but can google it) to back up all your ps2 games and play from a USB drive or even use a hard drive to play them all
    • XBox: Large 8GB hard drive to store your games and music on
    • Then i found out the controllers smashed and the hard drive is missing.
    • And you may also say "XBOX has a built-in hard drive
    • It does however, mention the "internal" (which attaches externally) hard drive that will extend the machines capabilities
    • Has a hard drive so less hassle(lazy) and also more mature
    • XBOX-has a built in Hard Drive that has 80,000 blocks
    • There was no hard drive or any of the chords needed in order to operate the system.
    • but I think much better than XBox (Also GC has the BEST wireless controller; The PS2 wireless controller by Lynx is terrible and if you're playing driving games it messes you up because it doesn't get the accelerate signal well and you go really slow).
    • No Hard Drive
    • Mostly because you can install a hard drive into it and back up all your save games to it
    • but instead a hard drive which carries a whole lot more memory than the PS2
    • Save money on memory cards, buy the official ps2 hard drive and back up all your saves there.
    • hard drive_____Cons_____Not the most powerful system
    • But the Xbox has a built in hard drive and so you do not have to buy any memory cards, while you might have to pay a hefty fee for the cards on PS2
    • The fat models have the ability to insert a hard drive (with the modem unit required)
    • However if you are looking to mod, or play games off a hard drive, then this is the console for you
    • Even though the X box offers online out of the box and a hard drive the PS 2 is still outselling the X Box 3 or 5 to 1.
    • Sony has even updated the firmware, and built-in features on the latest shipment of PS2 units, with built-in IR, for the remote controller, DVD-R supported discs, quieter disc operation.
    • This game station is definately the best video game counsel out there, first of all it has the best games, way better that gamecube(Gamecube only has little kid rated e mario games that suck), and it is also better than xbox i think, because i would say that the games are equal (in the xbox and ps2) but the xbox is way too big and hard to move it around like if you are going to go on a vacation, also the controllers(PS2) are a lot easier to use than the big, bulky controllers of the xbox, plus i am used to the controllers of the playstation two because they are the same as the regular playstation.