• Reviews around people (1.84 of 5)

    Red Dead Redemption - Playstation 3

    • Nothing major, but stuff I laugh about like invisible people holding brooms.
    • Online was also fun, both had a open world role-play like aspect, and more traditional pvp shootouts, only problem with pvp is not always enough people to make it fun
    • Some people might take this a problem with me being slow, but sometimes John doesn’t even hold the lasso; he’ll just let go
    • I want to add a update 4/14 , buy at your risk , The Multiplayer may not work , some how the server is down Your aviator may have a weapon in hand , but its invisible or hera People , but dont see them also forts will be won without a shot
    • The same kind of dark humor present in the main game returns in Undead Nightmare, such as Marston watching with a slight smirk when an extremely racist and unlikable man gets devoured by zombies, or people blaming the plague on the Mexicans and discussing who should take over leadership of America once they've reclaimed it from the undead
    • My only complaint so far is that there seem to be a lot of crazy people who send you on wild goosechases, but I suppose they all relate back to the plot in the long run
    • I love the side missions (personas, night watch, helping people on the road) didnt understand the liar's dice game at the beggining but i managed to beat some guys anyhow.
    • The skies and the trees are beautifully rendered, just in case any players ever bother to look up from the path, the train, the horse, the cougars, the wolves, the graveyards, the abandoned hideouts, the crazy people wandering barefoot in the desert looking for help
    • Nice people, bad people, crazy people, animal loving perverts, you need something done, no matter what, I'll do it!"
    • Like not kill a few people I shouldn't have (muahaha
    • however I must warn you, people who do use cheats for this game will no longer get trophies and there really is no point to getting cheats because it is easy to recover health as long as you are not constantly getting shot at.
    • The free roam is great, and there are many distractions(helping people, arm wrestling, Poker, etc.)
    • The graphics aren't that good people
    • Ending)+ 6 cool minigames+ killing people is
    • (At least you can skip the flowers, but herding cows?)Online play good, online people just silly
    • If you get bored of killing people after a while, you could always try hunting, looking for treasure, or gambling in games such as five-finger-fillet, poker, black jack, or liar's dice
    • Taking peoples money in some poker, or getting your money taken in some horseshoes...its all good.
    • But little things would be nice like a map button, so I didn't have to go thought the menu, and some people don't like being forced to use L2 and R2 to fire, I like it, but that's personal I can see the irritation of no customization
    • You can go to the main story whenever you want and you can kill people for no good reason just live in GTA, however you will have a bounty on your head and it never goes away till you pay it
    • But not only is the son annoying and whiny, and even people who like the game complain about how you have to play as him, but so what
    • It would have been fun to put in some ridiculous things like cars (the early 1900s kind) to spice it up, or have an Alamo type showdown mode, or especially have bigger servers (16 people on that entire gigantic map just feels too lonely).
    • You can also loot people's bodies for money and you can collect their dropped weapons and ammo.
    • Nice people, bad people, crazy people, animal loving perverts, you need something done, no matter what, I'll do it!"
    • And of course, when you don't feel like being the honorable kind of cowboy, you can go and lasso some people and drag them around
    • Dragging people behind you with a lasso = fun
    • Helping people in these random encounters, completing Stranger missions, and killing enemies raises Marston's Fame, which allows him to get away with certain crimes like horse theft more easily or bribe civilians and lawmen to forget about other crimes he commits, should the player choose to commit any
    • The people are crisp and colorful, the sky is realistic and beautiful, and I can't say enough about the movements of the people and, more importantly, the horses.
    • Tied with Marston's Fame is his Honor, which can go down for committing crimes like indiscriminately killing people and bribing, while assisting law enforcement and civilians under attack raises Honor
    • This claim appears mostly true as you spend the entire game simply running around the map helping people, yet on several main story missions Marston ruthlessly and indiscriminately kills people that have something he wants
    • I'm not going to give away what happens, but I think many people were saddened by the way things went
    • Online was also fun, both had a open world role-play like aspect, and more traditional pvp shootouts, only problem with pvp is not always enough people to make it fun
    • I would imagine a gunslinger in the old west wouldn't have too difficult a time throwing a horseshoe into a sand pit in the general vicinity of the stake, but apparently the good people at Rockstar thought otherwise
    • I think it has everything many gamers are looking for: a great story line, well developed characters, fun game play, and I love the horseback riding and how there is so much more to do than just kill people
    • Well most people die.
    • There's a lot of killing people and the language is salty
    • You can also take bounties dead or alive, watch silent films for a small fee, search for buried treasure(which requires a brain), kill random people, hunt animals and trade thier skins for money, pick herbs and sell them or use them for other things, get drunk at a bar(REALLY FUNNY and fun), buy stuff, find clothing bits and get new outfits, ride a train and taxi, jump on top of a train and then kill everyone including the driver, then have a random train sitting there
    • I can't say I didn't have fun putting on a bandanna and killing a few random people, once in a while
    • Free roam shootouts can be fun too, with the right people
    • I did not find it too compelling, but there are people out there with many hours into the multiplayer, so I'm possibly missing something
    • The random trials of everyday life spiced things up, things like passing a hold-up and deciding to help out, escorting lost people found in the desert to safety, or saving passers-by from attacking wild animals
    • To receive bad honor: kill innocent people, kill prisoners, keep stolen money or help the bandits.
    • " o superior, por lo demas es un muy buen juego interminable