• Reviews around guy (1.95 of 5)

    Red Dead Redemption

    • I love that in Red Dead the things you do affect the towns view of you as either a good guy or a bad guy.
    • The game gives you a choice between being a good guy or bad guy and a few RPG like choices in the game that will affect other parts later on
    • This is not meant to be Grand Theft Auto IV with more refined parts, to the "most helpful" negative review guy
    • You have a large variety of period weapons to deal the bad guys (or good guys).
    • And of course as you'd expect, you can be a good guy or a bad guy, though being the latter is much less fun
    • I plan to finish my current game as a good guy, then go back and play as the worst possible criminal
    • You have the option of being a good guy or a bad guy
    • No easy phasers or laser guns here; gotta work for it, per the times.- Main storyline missions and side quests such as bounty hunting, animal hunting, and odd jobs.- The storyline(s) are your typical Old West sort, which rocks out.- Honor/Fame meter: How much of a badazz or good guy do you want
    • If you ever wondered how unfun that is in a video game, now you can find out-Massive dichotomy between the general sense that protagonist is a now-good-guy trying to fix the past and the fact that to truly have fun in a game like this one needs to slaughter tons of people, including people just walking around doing nothing offensive
    • You can play the game honorably; completing the missions, saving people in distress, and only killing the bad guys
    • You will see men beating up on women, cattle rustling, gangs terrifying farmers and through it all you have the choice to save the day, side with the bad guys or ignore it all.
    • Your character is a nice friendly guy with a family, you don't get hookers or anything, you follow a storyline that portrays your character in a good light, unless you go off and kill innocent people, and even then theres
    • Your fellow fighters are pretty good at putting down the bad guys
    • Makes you feel like a badass when you take out 6 bad guys with 6 bullets.
    • You don't have to be bad guy nor a good guy
    • This game dives deep into the wild west, giving the player the full experience of being a bad outlaw or a reluctant good guy!
    • You can collect the bounties on various bad guys dead or alive!You can go out and explore the map and have encounters with people and critters and kill them
    • I was rooting, tooting and shooting the bad guys to help my family and country
    • Like GTA4 it is pretty straightforward, use LT to aim, RT to shoot, the cover system works the same (fire from cover or blindfire) and then the Dead-Eye targetting system allows you to paint any human or animal anywhere you want (you can disarm a guy, take off his hat, take off his head to shoot out his kneecaps).
    • Even if it's a bad guy on a horse about to pass behind you
    • This game dives deep into the wild west, giving the player the full experience of being a bad outlaw or a reluctant good guy!
    • but John Marston is a bad guy that you will love
    • The majority of the gameplay is going around to different places, saving people and shooting bad guys and animals
    • You don't have to be bad guy nor a good guy
    • If you decide to be a good guy you'll get discounts from general stores, gun shops, tailor and the doctor
    • On a bounty hunter mission I hogtied the bad guy and put him on the back of my horse...then I fell through the earth in a crazy glitch.
    • They range from killing guys to killing more guys and then there are some where you kill even more guys.
    • Bugs.. constantly players going invisable, glitched bad guys sitting inside rocks, falling through the ground... and no swimming
    • There is no real way of being a 'bad guy'
    • You have the option of being a good guy or a bad guy
    • And of course as you'd expect, you can be a good guy or a bad guy, though being the latter is much less fun
    • The missions are like any other sandbox game, hey lets go kill these guys, hey give me a ride, but this game is so much more than just the story
    • You have a large variety of period weapons to deal the bad guys (or good guys).
    • It's nice to be a good-ish guy for a change
    • You actually forget what the story is supposed to be about and who the bad guy is by the time you get to Mexico
    • The whole honour system adds a motivation to really behaving like a good guy, as well.
    • Riding at full speed on my horse while turning and taking out the bad guy with one head shot - Whooo!
    • I love that in Red Dead the things you do affect the towns view of you as either a good guy or a bad guy.
    • Seeing a horse carriage literally bounce on the ground making a rumble, seeing a guy literally twirling like a tornado as he runs to cover during a shootout and it can weigh down the game
    • The game gives you a choice between being a good guy or bad guy and a few RPG like choices in the game that will affect other parts later on
    • You would think its only about killing the other guy but its not
    • Playing as a bad guy is therefore much too difficult and time-consuming
    • You also have the option to be a good guy and it is so easy to go to the darkside
    • Why is it you can be a bad guy, and terrorize the world as an outlaw, but you become good again in cutscenes?
    • Climbing up a mountain pass overlooking a camp full of bad guys and then taking pot shots from above
    • It also has a moral system to determine if you are a bad guy or a good guy
    • Bad guys are sometimes hard to kill...
    • And unless you have a nice weapon, it takes like 5 hits to kill one guy
    • With Dead Eye and auto-targeting, you'll rank right up there with Clint Eastwood or Billy the Kid -- killing four or five guys in a matter of seconds, or shooting them in the leg to make them fall down, or even shooting their gun out of their hand
    • It also has a moral system to determine if you are a bad guy or a good guy
    • One time I shot a guy and he died and screamed
    • You can be a good guy or bad
    • There is also a time-slowing feature that you can use at any time (if you have your meter filled) to allow you to take out groups of bad guys (or lawmen) in authentic western gunman fashion
    • But it sure made for a good excuse to adventure across an extinct Southwest, fighting bad guys, rescuing people, and sometimes just wandering the desert and seeing what comes up across the next hill
    • There are also missions where you collect items, escort people, defend areas, assault trains, defend stagecoaches... usually while killing guys
    • There is Night Watch Duty, Hunting activities, and you can even haul in some of the most wanted bad guys !
    • the guy heading to California, and the stranger who knows a bit too much about John and won't give John his name