• Reviews around app (3.44 of 5)

    Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Factory Unlocked Phone with 6.4" Screen and 128GB (U.S. Warranty), Lavender Purple

    • It's not PERFECT, of course, you're still running mobile apps, some of which refuse to play nice on a desktop setting, but they work well for the most part, and for my use cases, fulfills 90% of what I need a home desktop for.
    • I like that it holds all my apps and still works
    • It's not PERFECT, of course, you're still running mobile apps, some of which refuse to play nice on a desktop setting, but they work well for the most part, and for my use cases, fulfills 90% of what I need a home desktop for.
    • I haven't tried any series IDE work or video editing with Dex, but the apps are there, ready to be used
    • The SPen is more or less the same, with some cool Bluetooth features, allowing you to program clicks to open an app or take a photo (with compatible apps like the camera or internet).
    • just makes it easy for her to draw and work, also Samsung has multiple free apps that I have to purchase if I want to have or use in my Iphone X
    • I think their quality suffers as they rush technology to the market.