• Reviews around system (4.03 of 5)

    Singing Machine SMC HOME Wifi and Bluetooth Home Karaoke System

    • What a great entertainment system - The sound quality is second to none
    • We had a few issues with lag but our ISP was also experiencing some troubles (we called to inquire after running some speed tests that were all over the map), so we cannot fully blame the system.
    • this to me is a huge flaw, therefore, I cannot even enjoy this system as well as I would like to because it's a huge hassle for us to do this... that and having to pay for a subscription to the streaming app when the system itself cost nearly $300 and really should include more than 30 day trial for dropping that kind of dough to use - for those reasons I have to dock my rating 2 stars down to 3 out of 5.
    • If you have less than great internet speeds this may not be a great system for
    • We bought this machine as it seemed like the best system
    • I really do want to love this system, but until the security feature is fixed and there is better incentives added that justifies the purchase, I can only say it's ok