• Reviews around shredder (3.44 of 5)

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, The Manhattan Project

    • Bosses include super shredder, krang, Toka and Razor slash leattherhead and other notorious villians from the comic book and tv show
    • The game starts when the turtles are vacationing on a beach, the evil Shredder comes and steals Manhattan Island
    • Plus, one of the plot twists is that Shredder introduces Toka and Rezor before turning into Super Shredder for the final battle
    • Fight it out to save April then go to defeat Krang and the Shredder
    • TMNT has a main objective (return Master Splinter to his human form by stealing Shredder's mutantgeon gun); TMNT II does'nt have a main objective, but TMNT III has a true objective.
    • Rocksteady, Bebop, and Krang return stronger and deadlier than ever and you must fight Shredder twice (the second time is on the final level, as Super Shredder).
    • Then you must fight off more of Shredder's mutants, chase Shredder to Krang's ship, defeat Krang and Super Shredder and return Manhattan Island to the ground.