• Reviews around noise (1.33 of 5)

    Terk Indoor AM Antenna ADVANTAGE

    • You can dial in those AM stations and reduce the static/backround noise.
    • I did not need to connect any wiring physically, just placed on the left side of my Bose radio about an inch away, then fine tuned the single knob on the antenna and simply stopped right at the spot where the static noises disappeared.
    • Works great....really reduces noise and boosts signal strength
    • It works, but the claim on the box that , " Virtually eliminating unwanted noise and static", is not exactly accurate
    • WOW I have a WR-1 Sangean AM table radio and my reception for a canadian radio station ( 20 miles away) was full of Static Wash and Noise
    • The static noise, particularly after sundown, is gone.
    • The Terk AM antenna has definitely helped the reception, particularly on a station that used to come in with a lot of static noise
    • Once I dialed in the frequency on the radio to its clearest setting, I did the same with the antenna's tuner and was amaxed when the extraneous noise vanished.